Parse, good or bad?

edited in General

I am wanting to create a replica of the once famous, may it rest in peace, Moonbase. Just a spare time activity, at the moment. I would like to know; Does anyone have any experience with NoSQL/Denomralised driven Databases?

Do you have any experience with Parse? Any tips if so?

To put my blabbering to an end, any tips? I appreciate them all.

Regards, Rijnhardt


  • edited
    I used Parse before. It's not bad but it has silly restrictions. Like you can only query a 1000 results. Which is fine until you want to do a subquery. Also it's more sql than no-sql not that, that is a problem. No-sql does not work well for analytical data.

    You other option is Google App Engine. I haven't really used it before just messed around with it a bit. Currently my weapon of choice is NodeJS, ExpressJS and MySQL on my own server.

    ps I am working with @LouisScheepers on a Moonbase like game ;)
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