[Event] Cape Town community meet up - 25-07-2012
<b>When:</b> Wednesday the 25th of July, 2012. Starts at 18:30, ends at 21:00 (although socialising afterward is encouraged)!
<b>Where:</b> Microsoft offices, Engen building 2nd floor, Golf Park, Mowbray.
<b>What:</b> Monthly community meetup, agenda:
<li>Talk: Mxit and free-to-play virtual currency game development (@downtempo)</li>
<li>Talk: The evolution of Desktop Dungeons' graphics via custom editors (@dislekcia)</li>
<li>Talk: Introduction to the association of game developers (@LexAquillia)</li>
<li>Demo: Ninja Crash campaign mode (@ChristopherM)</li>
<li>Demo: OpenStreetMap Unity winsauce (@raxter)</li>
<li>More demos? ...</li>
What happened to a flyer? Bit late now, but lets do one for next month?
<b>Where:</b> Microsoft offices, Engen building 2nd floor, Golf Park, Mowbray.
<b>What:</b> Monthly community meetup, agenda:
<li>Talk: Mxit and free-to-play virtual currency game development (@downtempo)</li>
<li>Talk: The evolution of Desktop Dungeons' graphics via custom editors (@dislekcia)</li>
<li>Talk: Introduction to the association of game developers (@LexAquillia)</li>
<li>Demo: Ninja Crash campaign mode (@ChristopherM)</li>
<li>Demo: OpenStreetMap Unity winsauce (@raxter)</li>
<li>More demos? ...</li>
What happened to a flyer? Bit late now, but lets do one for next month?
Also, welcome back :)
This isn't too far away now, who's got topics?
I could talk about the tools we've written to make DD happen. They're mostly art-centric and complicated and stuff.
What have we got to demo? Who's keen on talking?
The TrueSkill algorithm: http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/projects/trueskill/
(For those of you I haven't met yet, hi! I'm Andy, I run Developer Relations for Mxit, and in my prior gig was the VP of Product for Kongregate, so I have some relevant experience in casual gaming that I'd like to share.)
The campaign mode is just 7 arena-style levels plus a boss level, and shouldn't take more than 15-30 minutes for newcomers to finish on the default settings. Of course we'd love to get a few sessions in with multiple players if time permits or if some folks are willing to stay late.
if there is time...
Or I can copy the game to another laptop but if anyone has a cable lying around that I could lend you will find me grateful ^_^
'cause like, everyone's got one of those, right? :p
And any of you who got interested in building social games after my presentation, definitely send me a message. :)