Unity Android Project - The Ninja

edited in Projects
Hi all.

I have made 2 post here before for project Calls Project Settii. I dropped that and went the mobile - Android route. This is called The Ninja. Currently the got my touch controls going and basic menu / pause system. As soon as I get my controller and animation done, I will start to get the sound and graphics going. Recorder from my Sony Experia Z1please welcome... THE NINJA

Please give me your feedback ,input. I anybody want to test/play it on there android device please send me a message.


  • Looks interesting, is it an endless runner, or would it be more like Saboteur? The slopes add interesting gameplay. Has potential. BTW, i went to a ninja museum in Japan (Nagano) and have countless photos of reference if you need, just contact me and I can send..
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