8frag - Vapourware or next generation of gaming?

edited in General
Hi guys!

When 8frag first announced I was intrigued. Then when they said on their facebook that they were launching soon I was excited! But they haven't posted any more updates. How can I tell if this is just vapourware and I should forget about it or if they will launch soon and they are just running behind? What are some of the signs of vapourware?

Thanks guys,

P.S. This is not an attack on 8frag. I just wanted to ask your guys advice on it.


  • I don't think they frequent this forum very much. If you want more information on them specifically, you might want to try their facebook page.

    I'm curious: what makes you so interested in their game? Personally I wasn't very moved by the videos I saw, and I am yet to see any gameplay that might excite me (actually any gameplay at all).
  • As far as I know they were making some form of online competitive match making platform that was going to merge hardcore and casual gamer markets. It was difficult to find out exactly what their business was, they were quite difficult to follow when asked at the meetup. I think they said that only later would they be making actual games so I wouldn't be expecting much out of them in that regard at least. They said they would be back at the following meetup that they were at but they never returned *shrug*
  • Meh. The longer their silence continues, the less likely it is that they'll ever produce anything.

    I wouldn't worry that much, TBH.

  • From everything I saw of them, they spent way more time talking about how "revolutionary" "amazing" and "buzzword" their service is rather than actually explaining WHAT it is, and that's universally a bad sign..
    Thanked by 2Karuji AntiVoid
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