Diskwars variant.
Hi all,
I've recently bought myself the Warhammer Diskwars board game. I had two friends play the training scenario while I coached them from the rule book, so I could get the best possible idea of how the game played. In the end they both seemed to like it so I could probably give the game as a present to any friend that I think I could corrupt into playing proper war games.
But for myself I'd like to make a variant of this game because there are a few things that I don't like about it. I hate games that involve any type of playing cards, so I guess I'll never play poker or magic the whatever. Secondly the fantasy setting is alrightish, but I'm more of a scifi guy. Plus I'd have to assume that FFG was trying to stay as true as possible to the original Diskwars game (so I can't be too angry with them for polluting it with cards, as they do with all their other card games that is disguised as board games). But because of this there are many opportunities that they had completely missed that would have made the game much more tactical.

Would it be possible to have my game printed and punched somewhere after I've designed it? I know there are some places online that could do it, but is there any printing house locally that could do it?
I've recently bought myself the Warhammer Diskwars board game. I had two friends play the training scenario while I coached them from the rule book, so I could get the best possible idea of how the game played. In the end they both seemed to like it so I could probably give the game as a present to any friend that I think I could corrupt into playing proper war games.
But for myself I'd like to make a variant of this game because there are a few things that I don't like about it. I hate games that involve any type of playing cards, so I guess I'll never play poker or magic the whatever. Secondly the fantasy setting is alrightish, but I'm more of a scifi guy. Plus I'd have to assume that FFG was trying to stay as true as possible to the original Diskwars game (so I can't be too angry with them for polluting it with cards, as they do with all their other card games that is disguised as board games). But because of this there are many opportunities that they had completely missed that would have made the game much more tactical.

Would it be possible to have my game printed and punched somewhere after I've designed it? I know there are some places online that could do it, but is there any printing house locally that could do it?
2. Publishing is a HUGE task. It's certainly not as easy as "hey I made a game, you, print it, you, sell it, profit!" :) Especially now considering you're talking about specialty stuff (there are places that make cards with Print On Demand - but tokens and such are usually WAY customised, requiring custom die cut, custom card stock, etc, which drives up price.
If you're interested in self-publishing, here's the best place to start looking: http://boardgamegeek.com/thread/322382/game-design-self-publishing-resource-game-designer
BUT ULTIMATELY. Right now, stop wondering about publishing. Make your game first. If it's fun, you'll have no problem getting it published eventually.
If it's not fun, you've worried about publishing for nothing.
Without testing and playing, you wouldn't EVER know an idea is fun. Remember that you will NEVER know everything about your idea until you make it and test it :)
(by making I mean make a prototype. If that means going out to buy cardboard, drawing all over it with a protractor, and writing on it with markers than cutting things out with a pair of scissors, DO THAT.
Get started, don't think yourself into a hole first!
That SUSD video was part of the inspiration for a small prototype I designed: Coin Wars
If you're near one of the regular meetup locations (Cape Town and Joburg) you should bring along a copy you've made yourself. The meetups are a great way of getting good quality feedback on game prototypes, including board games :)
So, are there any local printing store that can do card printing and punching?
Then I dunno, the best thing you can probably do is go ask for quotes from Jetline or Minuteman. Minuteman is more "artistic", they seem to be more flexible with requirements and things :)
Have you made prototypes of your game yet? Would be interested to know how it plays, there's some cool ideas in there, but might be too complicated for me personally.
You have some good toys to go prototyping with, good sir :)
@dislekcia, funny, the closest Fablab is exactly in the town I used to stay when I had to travel 200km to get my mould and casting materials. But I'm also lucky as far as tools and stuff goes. I married a lady who has a wood workshop in the backyard. She used to make various types of furniture as a hobby. There's a dremel and a jigsaw cutter in there that I abuse from time to time. I'm somewhat careful though, my wife used to be a kickboxing champ.