Worst Warriors [Boardgame]

edited in Projects
A spiritual successor to the much loved MMMA (Mixed Monster Martial Arts) created by @lexaquilla, myself and co for the GGJ2013 (yes, I know, that was a very long time ago), I give you

Worst Warriors

Look, I’ve got some bad news. Lord Urg Flemch Beserker, our almighty goblin ruler, has taken his best warriors off to raid the nearby human town. You lot, however, have been left here to rot in the mud. While rotting in the mud isn’t a bad past time, I know you’d much rather be out there on the battle field, proving your mettle as it were.

There is one way to join your fellow warriors in the fields, however. There’s a pig cart leaving town in a few hours that’s going in the direction of the battle. There’s only space in there for one goblin, though, so you’re going to need to fight it out amongst yourselves to see who gets to go.

Of course, all the best weapons have already been taken, so you’ll need to make do with what you can find around here…

Worst Warriors is a 30 minute, 3 to 6 player card and board game. Players battle each other after a mad scramble to assemble weapons and armour for their goblin from a pool of peculiar resources.

Now with Facebook page of glory
And Worst Twitter Account

*removing print and play for reasons*
Worst Warriors Rule Booklet.pdf


  • First post has been updated with PDFs of rules (with some added awesome of art from the lovely @damousey ) and a full set of printable cards (currently lacking any art, but still useable!).

    I will get player mats up soon and then all you need for testing is about a million dice. Or 40.
  • First post now updated with PDF player mat.

    Notes: Starting health is 10 points. Starting attack and defence are 4 each.
  • Slight change in rules & a little balancing act with the stats means I've uploaded a new rule set and updated the PDF cards in the first post.

    There is now also links to the Facebook and Twitter pages (thanks everyone who's following these already!)
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    Thanked by 1Tuism
  • A whole bunch of art and items has been shared on our Twitter, Facebook and website :) These are sneak peeks, so I'm hoping you'll be curious about what the rest of the deck contains - and come play at AMAZE :D
  • why would you talk about links without posting them :P
  • See first post plus www.worstwarriors.com
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    dammit said:
    See first post plus www.worstwarriors.com
    The link self-links to this thread (you may need to put http:// before the www or something stupid like that in the url=.... bit).

  • edited
    Yeah I think we might wanna fix that sometime, we can try and remind and mandate everyone to use http:// but errr, it's just not gonna happen :P
  • A massive thank you to everyone who took the time to try out Worst Warriors and to give their thoughts and feedback on the game. We're definitely excited about taking this further and having people laughing and having fun playing this (really silly) game was a massive confidence boost.

    If you want to support the game on our social platforms and keep up to date on any new ventures, please stop by:
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/WorstGoblin
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/worstwarriors
    Website http://worstwarriors.com/
  • edited
    I just want to point out that @dammit did pretty-much everything right when it comes to showcasing a boardgame at a festival: It looked good, so people were interested in playing it; She was there super often to help people get into the game and explain the rules or deal with edge-case situations; She tested out printed rules to explain the game when she wasn't there; And, right at the end of the festival, she gave out personalised game cards to people with little messages on the back and the game's twitter account. Genius.

    Certainly has given me a better list of things to do if I start showcasing board/cardgames any time soon.
  • Her table presence was super important - the table was covered in very visual and large board pieces, the shiny bits were inviting, millions of dice, etc, all made for a very attractive experience. Very much fits an expo environment.

    Having bits like that means more than half of your work was done for you - it made people go to the game :)

    Congrats Worst Warriors! :)
    Thanked by 1dammit
  • For Cape Town people who haven't had a chance to see Worst Warriors in all it's glory, you'll get a chance this week Wednesday.

    I'm taking WW to the UCT Leslie Social Building for the CLAWS Heritage Day Board Games event (starting 10am). I should also survive the day and bring it to the meet up on Wednesday night :)
  • Is there a gameplay/intro video for this game yet? I've love to see it
  • That's a good question. Maybe I can get one of my friends to film people playing on Wednesday...

    Currently, we're working on getting a version that we're happy for people to download and print and have (ie: not the final art work) but a video would be a good idea in the mean while :)
  • Only one year later, a wild update appears!

    For those who are interested, I have updated the first post with a brand spanking new block of flavour text and included a new rule attachment. The rule book is now in booklet form, so can be printed and folded into A5. This does mean the order is slightly iffy to read on the PC, but it's still short enough to be bearable.

    Other news is that the game has now been expanded to be a 6 player and @damousey (when she gets back from holidays) is providing each player mat with a different background colour. These are going to be printed on a PVC material so that they can be rolled up nicely and can take a bit of spillage.
    Thanked by 1francoisvn
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    A wild Game Crafter page begins to take shape!*


    *I am in no way a graphic designer nor artist, so be understanding that my skills are limited in this department. Advice and assistance in all forms welcome!
    Thanked by 2Fengol pieter
  • So, I've been working on the game crafter version of WW and hit a couple snags.

    Firstly, the hex decks are a specific size so I had to resize all the cards (as well as the board) to fit this. This wasn't too problematic, but it definitely puts it in a position where the board size is now dependant on these cards sizes... which *is* problematic.

    The board (though, now slightly smaller than it was) is still too large for any of the sizes of mats on offer (mats would be cheaper than boards and would make the most sense in terms of the actual gameplay). This meant that with the board size at bigger than A4 (so, A3, really), I would either have to choose a large folding board for *each* player which would be very costly.

    My solution was to create the 4 boards with hex boardcuts (like settlers' board pieces). So, you'll build your board and then dress it with the cards.

    Even with these options, I needed to go for the large box size, lots of dice (they have larger dice than I have) and the pieces for counting your health.

    I've reduced the number of cards in the hex deck to 12 per limb, to reduce costs (and then save the extras for expansion) but I might even cut this further.

    Unfortunately, this puts the game at $70 which.... yeah...

    I want to figure out how to reduce this and also would love someone who is a graphic/print person to look through the art and just check that it's going to print okay. All advice welcome.
    Thanked by 1critic
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    Have you considered making one box for one player, instead of one box for four players, that would reduce the price to ~$17 per player, which is a lot more affordable per person than $70? Downside is that each player needs their own set, still it seems kind of reasonable at that price. You could even have different card sets in different boxes.
  • It's an interesting idea! It would mean that everyone has to buy their own which is a bit unlikely to happen - you generally buy a game so you can share it with others.

    One suggestion has been to change the "board" pieces to cards or change the health tokens to arrow chits. I might go with the first option for first print because I still need to see if it comes out okay. I could always sell the hard version separately for those that want it
  • Got it down to $55 dollars :D
  • So, I've done my slight share of editing over the weekend of the original work done by @damousey



    What it looks like on GameCrafter now:


    Thanked by 1critic
  • edited
    Personal stuff landed up seriously delaying this, but the good vibes from another great GGJ and got me putting finishing touches on the game!

    Proofing outlines for the box (difficult to read at this size, but if you'd like to proof the text, lemme know!):

    image image

    Cover image for the rule book:


    Snippet of one page from the rule book


    Thanked by 2Bensonance Squidcor
  • Hey, cool to see that you're taking this further :) Are you looking for feedback on the design? Don't know how "final" this all is :)
  • Tuism said:
    Hey, cool to see that you're taking this further :) Are you looking for feedback on the design? Don't know how "final" this all is :)
    Feedback is welcome, but remember that I am limited in what can be done. I'm making use of assets I already have because I can't actually draw new ones :)
  • Cool, I understand making new stuff isn't an option now.

    1. How big is the box? It either looks like the box is small or the components on the box seem really big, which makes them look... Unprofessional. Dunno how else to put it, there's no reason to make the components look THAT big, if anything, making them smaller than actual size would accentuate the "look at all these bits!" thing, rather than "look at how big they are!" which they're, I'm guessing, not?

    2. Also the hex components don't have any "frame" around them? Is that how they would be presented in final production? If so the text elements are uncomfortably close to the edge of the hexes.

    3. The text again seems really big on the back of the box. While headings should be big, having just big text through and through again makes the layout look unprofessional, and is a bit of a waste of space.

    4. I assume the dotted lines aren't actually gonna be printed? Are they safety margins or bleed?

    5. Having player info etc on the back is a good idea even if it's on the sides. People can pick up different bits of the box to look for the info and having it on both halves of the box is good. Makes them easier to find.

    6. Same thing with the rules, how big are the fonts? Point size wise 9 point is about average for body copy, it can go bigger but there's no need to go kid's book size, which is what this looks like, unless the rule book is small.

    7. The main illustration just just peeking over the sides of the box is uncomfortable. Doing stuff like that should either go way over and feature on the sides or avoid it altogether. A little overhang like that feels like a mistake.

    8. The logo on the bottom side of the box is too low, especially compared to the top side's logo.

    Not knowing how big the components are is is making it a bit hard to talk about this :)
    Thanked by 2critic dammit
  • Thanks so much for taking the time to give feedback. I'm definitely noting what you've said and working on new stuff (with help from JJ who gave me advice after my first attempt). I'll answer some of your questions below in the mean time:
    Tuism said:
    Cool, I understand making new stuff isn't an option now.

    1. How big is the box? It either looks like the box is small or the components on the box seem really big, which makes them look... Unprofessional. Dunno how else to put it, there's no reason to make the components look THAT big, if anything, making them smaller than actual size would accentuate the "look at all these bits!" thing, rather than "look at how big they are!" which they're, I'm guessing, not?
    The box uses the template for the GC Medium Pro Box https://www.thegamecrafter.com/publish/product/MediumProBox

    Which is approx. 20cm x 11 x 3

    2. Also the hex components don't have any "frame" around them? Is that how they would be presented in final production? If so the text elements are uncomfortably close to the edge of the hexes.
    Yes, everything fits pretty tightly together.

    3. The text again seems really big on the back of the box. While headings should be big, having just big text through and through again makes the layout look unprofessional, and is a bit of a waste of space.
    The font is Cambria Regular at 10pts in photoshop. Recommendations? I didn't want it to land up illegible or tiny and I find this difficult to judge.

    4. I assume the dotted lines aren't actually gonna be printed? Are they safety margins or bleed?
    Yes :D Safety margins.

    5. Having player info etc on the back is a good idea even if it's on the sides. People can pick up different bits of the box to look for the info and having it on both halves of the box is good. Makes them easier to find.
    I was worried it might be overkill but that makes sense to me.

    6. Same thing with the rules, how big are the fonts? Point size wise 9 point is about average for body copy, it can go bigger but there's no need to go kid's book size, which is what this looks like, unless the rule book is small.
    Same size font as the box. The booklet is: https://www.thegamecrafter.com/publish/product/MediumBooklet

    Roughly 9cm x 12

    7. The main illustration just just peeking over the sides of the box is uncomfortable. Doing stuff like that should either go way over and feature on the sides or avoid it altogether. A little overhang like that feels like a mistake.
    Will look at both options of having it stretch over more and keeping it within the lines. I have to redo the hero image anyway for various reasons :(

    8. The logo on the bottom side of the box is too low, especially compared to the top side's logo.
    I think I've fixed this :D will upload

    Not knowing how big the components are is is making it a bit hard to talk about this :)
    The pieces are quite large, approx 10cm x 8 (slightly smaller than was first created, interestingly enough)
  • I spend lots of time playing boardgames with my close friends (usually every week Wednesday night) and I shared what you shared and each of us 8 (the regular guys) can't wait. Will you update here for when it releases finally? I suggested we try the prototype - we would potentially have suggestions (not breaking changes - but things that are good for us like, especially since we discuss these things for every boardgame) that you don't have to add at all, but they would show off it working for us!

    I must say it is exciting being part of Make Games SA again - our community makes games, you are contributing (in a fabulous fantastic way) to our community! Especially because people fought me about enjoying being a part of MGSA.
    Thanked by 1dammit
  • edg3 said:
    I spend lots of time playing boardgames with my close friends (usually every week Wednesday night) and I shared what you shared and each of us 8 (the regular guys) can't wait. Will you update here for when it releases finally? I suggested we try the prototype - we would potentially have suggestions (not breaking changes - but things that are good for us like, especially since we discuss these things for every boardgame) that you don't have to add at all, but they would show off it working for us!

    I must say it is exciting being part of Make Games SA again - our community makes games, you are contributing (in a fabulous fantastic way) to our community! Especially because people fought me about enjoying being a part of MGSA.
    :3 Thank you.

    I can quite easily share the printables with you and you can make your own prototype to play around with. Unfortunately, I'm not going to be able to get a version up to JHB any time soon but I'll let you know once it's available on Game Crafter. All support will be much appreciated <3

  • Working on font sizes on the cards (as well as positioning):




    Thanked by 1konman
  • Some updates to the board (would love more feedback @Tuism)




    Note: Redid the logo as it was pointed out I didn't have a version in a high enough quality to use
  • So on the background colour of the box - I think look at a darker background so that the goblin stands out more, and/or look for a different colour to "pop" the central element out a bit more.

    As for the logo, it looks like you wanna run a smooth edges or something on it? While there's nothing wrong with jaggedy edges in typography, in this case it looks like it wasn't intentional and seems like a mistake.

    For the back of the box, I would not keep a black background as it
    1. makes the logo look different - the black outline of it disappears and that makes it feel different.
    2. Also disappears the hex tiles' edges, which makes the elements look weird and floaty. You want people to think that a representation of components look like a representation of components. The more realistic they look the better. So think drop shadows (not huge), think table texture, think physical.

    The last line of the box back, CPT is uncomfortably close to the right edge of the text frame. In fact, the left of that line is out-of-alignment with the left side of the text frame.

    It feels like you want the play time and other information to the right corner rather than centred, and if you got other logos to go to the left that'd be best. Perhaps your company? Website? Some kind of identity?
    Thanked by 1dammit
  • Design work is HARD haha. This has taken me longer than planned, but here we are at what I am happy to say is final. It's definitely not perfect, and a designer could do a better job, but it's time to ship!

    Here's the cover of the rule book with an updated main goblin and new logo:


    Here's the back of the box with my very own Board Silly company logo :D Added some other details:

  • So stoked for you @dammit! Good luck on the homestretch!
    Thanked by 1dammit
  • Welp! It's official! It's finally a published (if self-published) game!

    The shop is still a work in progress, and once I have the final printed pieces I will upload new images, but here it is:


    BTW: Because of going the print-on-demand route, it is really expensive to buy (and this is a reason I'm not expecting much support) but if you do feel you want your own copy you can chat to me about options for how we can reduce the costs to get you your own box :)
    Thanked by 2BenJets Sigh_Leeeee
  • So, it finally arrived - 2 months after ordering - but well worth the wait. Definitely happy with the quality of the printing and production.

    If you're interested in what it looks like printed, you can check out my album here: https://www.facebook.com/pg/worstwarriors/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1866659130251537

    Also, from feedback, I've fixed a few spelling errors that creeped in and so anyone who orders now shouldn't experience those issues :)
    Thanked by 2Elyaradine roguecode
  • JJ very kindly put together a video for me, so now you can see the kind of quality printing you get from Game Crafter:

    Thanked by 1Boysano
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