Intro to Game Design Course from MIT Game Lab
I've just signed up for Introduction to Game Design at edX, and I think it'll definitely be of some interest to some of the people here. It's targeted at people with little or no game design experience, but I feel it's always a good thing to see how others do things, even if you don't go through with the entire course.
You can sign up for a free honour code certificate, or pay a small fee for a verified certificate.
The course starts on 22 October, and runs for 6 weeks.
A practical introduction to game design and game design concepts, emphasizing the basic tools of game design: paper and digital prototyping, design iteration, and user testing.
About this Course
An introduction to the basic methods of game design. This course includes defining and analyzing games and their mechanics, and understanding how mechanics affect gameplay and player experiences. Practical assignments include creating both paper and digital prototypes, using user testing to find points of failure and iterative design processes to revise and improve overall gameplay.
You can sign up for a free honour code certificate, or pay a small fee for a verified certificate.

I have signed up for this :)
Thanks for sharing the link. :)