
edited in Projects
So here it is, available on everything. Hubby's company made a game for the upcoming Suurlemoen! Movie. Currently they're having fun with release bugs. I didn't personally do anything on this one.


  • Here is the link to the facebook game:

    Do play, there's a comp to win an xbox. Highest score by movie release I believe.
  • edited
    I gave it a play, it's pretty hard - I kept feeling like there were jumps I just wasn't going to make, especially seeing as how long I held the key down didn't seem to have any effect on the final height/length of the jump. I presume that the sequences of wheelie bins are supposed to be things that I keep jumping on top of, bouncing from one bin to the next? That's really difficult, mostly because they're such narrow targets and the timing seems pretty unforgiving. Generally you'd want to teach the player that that's a skill they can build up to by giving them larger things to jump between first, then working towards the narrow targets.

    For a first game, this is really good. It's pretty obviously a "first game" though - I wouldn't worry about that too much. Right now it's tricky to give feedback on it without coming across as negative because the game's already released. Changes are going to feel impossible to make, so they feel bad to hear... That and difficulty creep are totally normal ;)

    Oh, the levels aren't random? Interesting for a runner game, that does mean that you'll probably see a lot of people hitting that max score though - seeing as they can learn the levels ;)
  • Thanks for the feedback. :)

    Yeah, you're supposed to jump on top of the bins and go from one to the next. It would have been ideal to get the feedback before release, but because its linked to the movie there was all sorts of legal mumbo jumbo about who could see it etc. Also I've been having a bit of a time trying to convince them anti-social devs that they need to come chat on the forums. :P

    I'm not sure exactly why they decided to not go with random levels, but I think it had a lot to do with a very tight deadline. I've passed the info on and I'll keep poking them until they come join the chatter. :P
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