[PROTOTYPE] Frizbee Pong
This is a little prototype that I was working on over the weekend.
Player One:
WASD to move
Space to Serve
Player Two:
Arrow keys to move
Enter to Serve
first player to 3 wins.
Windows web build:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/187819585/FrizbeePong ver 0.1/FrizbeePong ver 0.1.html
Any crit is welcome.
Player One:
WASD to move
Space to Serve
Player Two:
Arrow keys to move
Enter to Serve
first player to 3 wins.
Windows web build:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/187819585/FrizbeePong ver 0.1/FrizbeePong ver 0.1.html
Any crit is welcome.
Since it's frizbee; how about making them catch the frizbee first and then release in a chosen direction instead of just bouncing? Another suggestion that I think could be cool - things that could be hit for points, like frizbee golf, and if you miss the opponent gets a chance to play - or some kind of mechanic like that..
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/187819585/Frizbee Pong Ver 0.2/Frizbee Pong Ver 0.2.html
However, I tried to modify the rotating code a bit, so that the arrow only rotates in one direction for a while and then starts moving in the opposite direction again. Here is the code i am using:
This works great...when the game starts. However as soon as I press "R" to restart, or when you press "Enter" after a match to restart, my code bugs out. When the game starts the aiming arrows rotate from the middle up 90 degrees and then down 180 degress (top to bottom and then back again - which is exactly what i want). However as soon as I
They move from left to right and back. Any idea what I am doing wrong. I am guessing that I need to add something to a Start() somewhere to stop this from happening, but can't figure out what. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
[EDIT] - well this is f@$5^& great - now they are moving left to right instead of up and down right from the start (if I open my web player above). In my Unity Editor they were moving up and down when I pressed play and only started going left to right when I loadlevel?????