Determining minimal/recommended requirements when launching
Hey everyone,
We're currently in the process of launching Monsters and Medicine on the humble store and one of the the requested pieces of information from their side are the minimal/recommended pc specs for the game. Currently we're a bit flummoxed on how to go about this.
Can some of the people here who have actually gone through the process maybe advise us on how you went about determining these figures?
We're currently in the process of launching Monsters and Medicine on the humble store and one of the the requested pieces of information from their side are the minimal/recommended pc specs for the game. Currently we're a bit flummoxed on how to go about this.
Can some of the people here who have actually gone through the process maybe advise us on how you went about determining these figures?
Depending on how much performance testing you've done, and on how many different machines, you should be able to infer an expected CPU spec. That one is the most guesswork of the lot, really, since it's sort of difficult to calculate it in any objective way given how complex games are, and how complex the PCs they're running on are.
GPU requirements are the most scientific of the lot: Those you can usually work out pretty accurately given the technology that you're using, what sort of graphical effects you have and the intensity of your game. Usually smaller games don't specify much more than the lowest required shader model, and that is generally a known quantity (probably SM2).
Memory requirements are also pretty measurable, especially if you've done any profiling while developing. For a small indie game, take your highest memory usage, round it up to your nearest power of two (double if it's close), and use that.
All in all, these sorts of things are never 100% accurate, especially on PC where you can always expect any two users to have vastly different machines. A little bit of elaboration won't do you any harm, really, and always err on the higher side. For the most part, I don't actually expect too many people pay much attention to system requirements for smaller titles and indie games, unless they're expecting to run it on a netbook. Which basically means you should test on a netbook. :p
Hey, @hermantulleken, this should totally be a plugin for Unity! Run it to estimate the minspec for your project ;)