Space Team Kickstarter was funded on the second attempt

edited in General

Space Team admiral's club just got funded. It's a pretty cool idea if you're into Space Team (sorry I didn't post this earlier if that's the case), but it was definitely a big challenge to get crowd funding for a free game.

What I thought was interesting was that this was the second Kickstarter for the same product. And this time it was successful,whereas last time it failed. I'm sure there's some lessons that can be learned from the things that Henry Smith did differently.
Thanked by 2Bensonance Tuism


  • This is maximum win! I'm so glad he managed to get it funded this time, Space Team is the best reason to shout at your geeky friends and I'm super keen to see what Hengineer makes next now.
  • This is really cool. Out of interest, does anyone know of any other gaming kickstarters that have funded a company/individual as opposed to a specific game concept?
  • Er, why would anyone fund a company? What do they get out of it?

    Kickstarter has been bastardised from the original meaning of "crowdfunding" - where people would have bought into a product/concept/company in shares and share in its earnings. Instead now the rewards are more like a product sale.

    If the rewards are like "1% of company revenue" I wonder if a "company share" kickstarter would be viable :)
  • Isn't that what Henry Smith did with this kickstarter? As far as I can tell the money goes to allowing him to make free games. He has some concepts posted on what those games will be, but they seem to be a very small part of the overall kickstarter. Or am I misunderstanding the kickstarter?
  • I hear what you're saying, but basically this KS to me is funding 3 projects - Spaceteam + additions (mostly this), and then the two games Blabyrinth and Shipshape.

    I guess you could say it funds him as a person for a year... Yeah it's blurry, but I'd say most of this KS was centred around the goodwill generated by spaceteam already have been out for a long, long time.

    Wow a Canadian living is expensive :)
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