Playing around with Unreal Engine 4

edited in General
I got the Unreal Engine a few months ago, but only recently started playing around with it.
I got some models in and working with LOD and collision models.
Made some grass meshes and materials that actually works the way I wanted them to work.
I also messed around with Blueprints and made some doors that can be opened and closed from both sides.
I'm busy making some modular level assets.
Going to add some trees to the environment as soon as Speedtree becomes available for UE4.
Busy experimenting with World Machine to get some good landscapes and textures.
1134 x 1057 - 468K
1134 x 1057 - 651K
1134 x 1057 - 604K


  • Im itching to try UE4.
    How are you finding the blueprint system? As cool as it looks?
  • There are some things that are named differently.
    It is powerful and easy to use. It just takes a while to get used to it.
  • UE4, bitches! :D Loving it! I would say the number 1 reason I'm using UE4 is for the blueprints system. While I still don't understand a lot of things, it really is super easy to use and powerful.
  • To understand blueprint better, there is someone who made a book (for free) that explains blueprints much better.
  • Hey funnynel42, thanks for the link,I am also busy with ue4 ,following the tutorial vids , blueprints can be tricky understand , your landscape is looking pretty good a bit dark .
  • I used these techniques in Cryengine and the results were phenomenal.
    This can be applied in UE4.
  • Yeah, I'm still playing around with some of the material settings, some of the things aren't working as they should.
    I'm just messing around at the moment. I'm going to try to make something similar to a side-scrolling game next. If all works well with it, I might just share some of the stuff.
  • I couldnt get to see the grass meshes clearly, thats what meant to say , I am going to post something soon aswell
  • I've been pottering around with UE4 for the last couple months. I ambitiously (stupidly) decided to try make a MOAB type game (like Dota) so I've been slowly getting my head around the C++ code that comes with the Strategy Game example. But man, it's a fantastic engine, I cant wait to see the games that this engine can produce.
  • Well im assuming this thread is a lets all post playing with UE4 stuffs.

    I made some stuffs

  • @Crocopede - Like the look of the 1st one. Are these your own assets?
  • Look very nice. Yeah the first one is very African savannah far cryish, nice :)
  • Affirmative. All my own. I swapped my play quake live time with work on assets time. Its nice working on fun things and not being bogged down the whole time by publishing hoops from apple etc.

    I also did a vegetation bending experiment earlier tonight and made a tree. though the tree is sub par and need some adjustments.

    The vegetation experiment seems feasible once they implement vegetation painting of actors. But for now im not gonna stress too much about the issues it has that is visible in the video. Who knows... maybe Epic implements real bending one day. I loathe the material approach.


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