Grave Days (alpha--)
Some of you may remember I game I was working on named Grave Days (Waaay back):
This is a remake of this game I've been working on for the last couple of weeks. It's called Grave Days, and I'd categorize it as zombie survival. I'd love to get some feedback on it, so I'd like to show it off to you guys! The idea of the game is to survive as long as possible, but your death is inevitable, hence the name Grave Days (also a pun, grave = zombies). The core mechanic of the game is survival, using sub-mechanics of stealth, combat, run-and-dodge and resource collection. The emotions I wish to invoke in the player are extreme desperation, interrupted by mini-burst of hope and joy (on discovering something like a nice big loot), and followed again by more hopelessness and stress (I just spent that nice big ammo loot in 15 seconds, and there are still zombies everywhere!). I want the game to push the player to do things he knows is most probably a bad idea. Also, it is LAN-able with your friends.

For more info, I have a wiki, which still needs a bit of updating here, and a blog about my progress here.

Latest PC build
ESC to open menu and see the controls
Enjoy it, and let me know if you find any bugs, are have suggestions, or whatever other feedback is possible :)
This is a remake of this game I've been working on for the last couple of weeks. It's called Grave Days, and I'd categorize it as zombie survival. I'd love to get some feedback on it, so I'd like to show it off to you guys! The idea of the game is to survive as long as possible, but your death is inevitable, hence the name Grave Days (also a pun, grave = zombies). The core mechanic of the game is survival, using sub-mechanics of stealth, combat, run-and-dodge and resource collection. The emotions I wish to invoke in the player are extreme desperation, interrupted by mini-burst of hope and joy (on discovering something like a nice big loot), and followed again by more hopelessness and stress (I just spent that nice big ammo loot in 15 seconds, and there are still zombies everywhere!). I want the game to push the player to do things he knows is most probably a bad idea. Also, it is LAN-able with your friends.

For more info, I have a wiki, which still needs a bit of updating here, and a blog about my progress here.

Latest PC build
ESC to open menu and see the controls
Enjoy it, and let me know if you find any bugs, are have suggestions, or whatever other feedback is possible :)

960 x 575 - 44K
Edit: I can change it! never mind!
This game is begging for shadows... nice 2d shadows.
I got 17 kills on my first play. The health packs need to give more healing I felt also is there a safehouse somewhere I can shack up, build a fire maybe and take stock?
Nice :)
Edit: Flares!
I have a new version, I made it a little easier and a little more playable. It's still just a zombie shooter for the moment, but I'm already adding a hint of possible ammo problems. Eventually ammo will be gold, and you will have to search for it, and for food, and shack up somewhere as you say. I also got a package to make arbitrary mesh shapes (polygons), so I can add some terrain features. I quickly added 2 pools of water. I still have to fix that zombies and items don't spawn in them.
Not sure if I made it too easy now, but I end up dying in the morning hours though, too many zombies :) I spend my night time sneaking around a little.
I'm not too good with shaders, normally if I use shaders it's pretty much copy and paste work. But I am using Unity as you see, and using a spotlight with a "cookie", but I'm assuming it's all shader work in the background.
Not sure how I'll do shadows yet, but as you say, shadows will be cool. I'm really excited about adding functionality for building a camp though, and maybe going into town to raid some stores!
Oh, almost forgot, the new version: Days prealpha
By the way, the stealth system is a little more useful in this build. I tweaked it a bit too. If you feel like you are attracting too much attention, just do anything you think would make you less exposed. Stand still, definitely don't sprint (running/walking helps a little bit too). Don't shoot, switch off your flash light. If you really want to get their attention thought, flicker your flashlight on and off. Also, being stealthy is easier at night, of course :) -- you will see your "sense bubble" turn blue.
I got 51 kills with a score of 402 in the new version. It only takes 3 shots to kill a zombie now. 4 was a bit much I think. The jump from 3 to 4 is huge
- I've found a bug that prevented the zombie AI from running around randomly while idle. I fixed it now. Also zoomed the view out a bit and tweaked the lighting. The larger view area makes it easier to stealth around. I replace the download once it's in my dropbox
The pink borders are quite jarring when you get to the edges, maybe a fence with some think bush on the other side will keep the player immersed and provide a reason for the borders.
Also it would be cool to have some kind of Sun/Moon day/night cycle indicator like in Terraria maybe. And also maybe a goal, like get to the shack before nightfall, get to the helicopter take-off spot before daybreak or the army will leave you behind in the dead zone, or something like that.
Haha cool, this is very DayZ... I like. You can do a lot with it.
The direction this is going though, is that you will always die in the end. Maybe unlock something new that you can do the next play-through. Like a different character with a special skill, or perhaps a new crafting blueprint, etc. Hence the name Grave Days, it's grave as in dangerous, dire, perilous, or whatever, and grave = zombie. I think you get it :)
PS. I managed to hold up in a corner for two nights, and half a day. The spawn reached its max (of 500 zombies). During dusk or dawn, I just went on ammo scavenging expeditions, and also had to make a dash during the first midday. I think if I kept going, I could do it forever.
It got a bit boring though after a while of sneaking around in my corner, so I just wanted to gather up a lot of ammo, and go on a (gradual) zombie killing spree. I over-fatigued myself during ammo collection, and the horde got to me :( ... 1200 score! I have to add something to do though while you aren't on your expeditions though, like camp making and resource gathering.
I also implemented a hunger system, and food of course, which makes your max health go down if you are too hungry. I feel that there is more reason to sneak about now, and something to try and do while you kill zombies (manage your hunger, ammo and health). It's still not quite where I want it to be, and I'm running into all sorts of issues (flashlight going through walls, bullets going through walls - this one is fixed, pathfinding - or lack thereof, etc). I'll probably be asking for advice to some of these things in the near future.
Here's the latest version, try it out if you have time: Days prealpha
This is only my 3rd~4th day spent on grave days, so I feel quite proud of my progress so far, considering that my first prototype from long ago took me 3~4 months to develop.
Here's a screenshot taken from the shop:
It's a slightly newer build now as well. I haven't implemented anything new, nothing major anyway. Mostly balancing and playing around with the variables. This build plays a little better than the current offline build:
It's still through my dropbox though, but I hope it works. Let me know if the issues persist. It's 20mb in size if that's of concern.
Edit: The web build seems to be a bit buggy. The controls sometimes don't respond. Also, a retry option is really needed here.
if you don't know this, sry if you do...You can add a new sprite/texture and change its type to "cursor". Then in the project build settings\player settings you can change the default cursor by selecting it there. But the texture has to be of cursor type I think. Shows funny blurry lines otherwise. I recently discovered this, so hope I'm not coming across as patronizing if you already knew this... :) Good job - I like the progress and how quickly it is progressing.
Why did you not go for a dual shooter setup, where you could move with arrows/WASD and aim with the mouse? Not that the current control system is bad, but it does take a bit of getting used to. Also, you need a sprint button. Sprinting could increase your hunger rate. Nice work so far.
[EDIT] - Sorry only saw shift is sprint now - enter faceplant here
Zombies need to move slower than the player.
You could add sound to the stealth mechanic. Different actions/areas create different sound levels. like opening a door. or stepping on glass. Also smell. depending on what direction the wind is blowing. Zombies smell brains right...right?
I decided to go away from the WASD setup, for two reasons. Or maybe 1. It shouldn't really be a shooter. In the final game, ammo will be much more rare, and the focus should be on escaping and evading. With WASD, you essentially have 8 directions to run in. With mouse control, you can finely choose which direction to run in.
Secondly, I don't want to be able to run backwards or strafe while shooting. The characters aren't meant to be action heroes who can run around while shooting. I like the choice that you have to make, run, or fight, not really both. If you are good enough, you can run and shoot at approaching zombies.
Sprinting does exactly that, well, sprinting decreases your fatigue meter, and a low fatigue meter increases your hunger.
And I look your idea of different sound, and smells. I'll get to it eventually. It's somewhere on my mental to-do list!
@konman I have actually made a custom cursor in Unity before, but I did it the hard way apparently. Didn't know you could do this. Adding a custom cursor is on my to do list, so I'll do it right now. It probably won't look very good. I'll make a simple one, then let me know if you like it, or perhaps if you have a suggestion of how it should look, I'll put that in the game. Thanks for the hints though, less googling for me to do :) I'll never find any sort of help patronizing, even if it is something I already know!
I've worked on the zombie AI today, and I think it works quite well. The best feature is that they get stuck on corners a lot less frequently, and know how to follow a player into a building, based on where it remembers last seeing the player in the event that it lost sight of the player. I don't necessarily want super smart zombies that always know how to track a player down, I just don't want zombies that walk into every obstacle possible.
I'm also experimenting with different sounds for walking over different surfaces as suggested by @FanieG. It does not affect the zombie AI yet, but will do so in the future.
Please give me some feedback on the difficulty, pace, and anything else you can think of.
WEB: Grave Days Web Prealpha v1.4
Is there something else I should be doing?
I don't understand it anyway, the API says "The cursor will automatically be hidden, centered on view and made to never leave the view." Do I really want the cursor to be hidden? How will you aim? I don't think I am understanding it correctly. But It's not working the way I did it.
I think I should perhaps work on the difficulty a bit. I've been playing a lot, and I manage to survive about two days. Always not always. Sometimes I die sooner. Perhaps I need an intro of some kind. By the looks of it, a lot of people assume it's a shooter, and immediately go for killing zombies. What you should actually do primarily is avoid zombies, and only clean an area when it is completely necessary, and you have ammo to spare. Furthermore, fatigue is a vital stat, and you could sprint away from hordes to a mostly cleared out area and survive.
But this is just bare bones. There's still a lot to be added, perhaps traps or something to slow them down like you say. The feedback is useful too. I think I'll make the sprinting a bit better. Either slow down normal walk speed of the player and the zombies, and increase the sprinting speed. I'll also slightly increase the ratio between player walk speed to zombie walk speed. Since avoiding and escaping is my primary mechanic, it should definitely not feel frustrating. Thanks for the feedback. I appreciate it.
PS I'll maybe tweak zombie health a bit as well. Maybe some of them 2 shots, and some of them 3. I plan to add stronger guns later by the way. Maybe I should've started by giving the player a stronger weapon though while the game is mostly unfinished.
This is an update for grave days. I'm not supporting the web version for the moment, due to annoying focus issues when its not in full screen mode.
prealpha v1.5 Features:
- Even better zombie AI (target follow & collision avoidance)
- First hints of a level design (island with random lootable buildings, beach houses and a forest with a lodge)
- Food and medikits no longer instantly consumed on pickup, now added to a makeshift "inventory" with a maximum carry limit each (see temporary GUI). You can consume food by pressing 3, and medikits by pressing 4.
- Added chests (to certain houses), in which you can store excess goods. Now you have a reason to go on scavenging expeditions.
- Added ability to punch (melee attack) zombies. 1 - switch to melee mode. 2 - switch to gun.
- Press ESC to pause game and open menu
- Killing many zombies in an area decreases the overall amount of zombies you will encounter in that area. If you do not kill zombies in a certain area often, the zombies in that area will increase, sometimes to quite drastic levels. Still needs some balancing, but the overall mechanic is in place. It is not possible for you to contain the zombie-plague on the entire island. You can however, contain it pretty well in your "safe zone", wherever you choose this to be.
* Hint: This is not a zombie shooter, so do not feel that you are failing if you are not managing to kill all the zombies, and keeping their numbers low. You are however successful if you manage to survive a couple of nights, and manage to go on scavenging expeditions that have a net resource surplus (i.e, if you come back with more resources than you set off with). Sometimes the best move is to avoid the zombies, other times to engage them. It is up to you to decide when to do what.
Near future to-do list:
- Add GUI
- Add rare items that give you a boost for your current play-through, and unlock things for a next play-through (new characters with different skills, new weapons or craftable items)
- Add survivors, which you can rescue and order to stay/defend a designated zone.
- Saving/loading
PC - Download: Grave Days prealpha v1.5 (~30mb)
PS- I've updated my first post to better reflect my current understanding of this game!
- The current build doesn't work unless you change the folder name to "GraveDays prealpha v1.5_Data"
- I like the movement, but I think you should stick the WASD movement keys and MOUSE to AIM. (or maybe just a move backwards key)
- UI needs to be more in your face, like I had no idea I was out of ammo till I looked in the corner of the screen. So maybe a little Ammo counter or just move the UI to the bottom right so a quick glance down and the player can see his stats. Most people have the screen a little lower, so they are always looking down.
- Tried to select Windowed Mode, but it still came up Full Screen.
- Walking up to creates should pop up with the Key to press, ie. (E) Open
- Maybe a sneak mode to get past the Zombies as ammo is limited.
- Mini Map?
Very much love the Zombie Survival kind of vibe and scavenging, will you have crafting and building? (Maybe a prison with an Ex-Sheriff :P )
I'll play lots more and give more thoughts :)
Looking forward to more builds!
I personally like having to chose between running away and turning to fight. Sometimes I try to turn around quickly and get off a single shot, which is challenging. But please let me know if you still disagree with this, or perhaps have suggestions how I can avoid using WASD while still letting it feel natural.
At the moment I am forcing fullscreen. If I play in windowed mode, the cursor sometimes accidentally leaves the window, then when you click off the window, it loses focus. Not sure how I can fix this.
I'll possibly add a sneak mode which makes it even harder for the zombies to detect you, and maybe even something to hide your scent with, or something of the like. And a mini-map is a something I'll possibly add in the future. For now, there are higher priorities. Though I'll soon add the ability to mark your home, and perhaps 1 or 2 other important places, with off screen navigators so that you know in which direction to go at least.
And yes, I'll eventually have some form of rudimentary crafting and building, also basic character classes to unlock, so there's more replay value.
But that sounds like a combination of what you're looking for?
I do feel though that WASD/cardinal directions will over-emphasize combat though. The primary response should be one of avoiding and escaping, with fighting mostly when you have no other choice, or when you are trying to clear out a safe-zone. WASD will give the player too much combat dexterity (i.e strafe while shooting), which I'm afraid will make the game "just another zombie-shooter".
I like the idea of pausing though, though I feel it should be limited in Grave Days if implemented. I'm not sure that this was the point of your feedback, but thanks nevertheless. I'll perhaps upload a version as you suggested soon, so that we can draw some comparisons between cardinal movement, and towards-cursor movement.
Making controls crap to make you run away will make me not want to play the game. Giving me intuitive and fluid controls but making the enemies hard will make me realise I CAN'T KILL THEM instead of GAH THESE CONTROLS MAYBE I CAN DO BETTER IF I DO THIS AND SQUEEZE OFF A SHOT OK I KILLED IT THIS IS HOW I'M SUPPOSED TO PLAHHHHHHHHH DEAD :)
If you wanna go for a non-hero character, maybe have him trip and fall on his back if he walks backwards to much ;)
@PowerCat I think I'll have this in my next build, thanks (well the slow backing off). I feel that there is a way to implement what I am aiming for without being confusing. I just need to find out how. Like I said, I think it's my art.
So freeing up your other hand to select Med Packs and stuff.
The point is that you have an environment which people expect to work by using certain keys. You use those keys but you use them in an alien way, a way that's not that makes people go "eh?". You give people guns but you give them controls that can't use guns in an intuitive way (walking this way while shooting that way is quite normal - sure you want to avoid that, maybe you need to do that in some other way - like giving the character an arc in front of him where he's not allowed to shoot outside of. If you want the character to run and move like a real person, then you need to give him realistic movement with momentum, maybe even consider driving movement controls (See Teleglitch) with more inertia in the movement where you kind of have weight and momentum.
But those are all full packages of gameplay choices, I feel. The current control scheme doesn't seem fun to me :/ if I were a fighter plane that might make sense. But I'm a human and I have a torso and legs that can point in different directions :/
What if you made the character walk when you click and then you can freely move the mouse and aim while he's walking? Classic Syndicate controls.
Top down or not is an aesthetic call. Having 8 directions sprites but letting the movement go in full 360 degree freedom is absolutely ok, MANY games in the past have used that - Syndicate, Bedlam, a couple more I can't remember.
I'm considering doing a combination of controls sort of like you suggested in a previous post. I'm going to keep towards mouse movement, in at least some way, since I feel that it feel more natural when you are trying to run away (than WASD).
I agree though that this makes the combat feel stupid, and that you need a greater freedom at aiming your weapon. I'll experiment with your suggestions a bit!
It may take a while though before I have something good in a build again.
@PowerCat I think I might actually do this until I have a better solution implemented.
Not sure if you want "precision" or "natural". Mouse clicking when running away doesn't really feel "accurate" to me, when I'm running away I'm much more likely to get stuck with mouse controls, I feel. Have you tried to quickly click on 5 things on your desktop in a row? It's much easier to do it with keyboard, for example.
With the great advice you guys gave me, I've tried to devise a new control scheme. It's a pretty minor change, and I'm afraid it's not there yet, and perhaps a little complicated. But I think I kind of like this new addition. You can now hold down spacebar, and it will keep you moving in the last direction you were heading in. What this means is that you can move with right click, and then when you want to aim, hold spacebar and let go of right click, leaving you free to aim while running. It's still a bit rough, and I want to limit movement speed when strafing or walking backwards. I feel that this keeps all the challenge I want (combat is not action-hero style), and will allow the players who master the controls to play action-hero style (hopefully without alienating new players). Days prealpha v1.5b (new controls).zip
For example inserting a type of enemy that doesn't die easily and comes at you quickly. You can try to shoot them but then you'll quickly realise you need to run away from them. Thein introduce a solution to them in the environment so you have to run away from those particular enemies - but yes you may shoot them if you're really good (let's say you only ever can squeeze off 3 shots before they're on top of you because of the speed, but because they move so fast landing those shots are hard, so if you land 2 of those 3 shots you can kill them, but more often than not they'll just chomp you)
Luckily I don't have a strict deadline on this, and there's lots of room to experiment. Thanks again though. If I consistently get more pro-WASD feedback I might go for it.
Although you don't want to go too far - otherwise you end up in "constantly running backwards to kite everything" territory.
Have you tried driving controls (up to forward, left right turns movement dir)
Have you tried... double tap to dodge? (you wanted to focus on dodge mechanics)
Have you tried to give enemy movements a straight line driving movements so that when they come at you they build up momentum and you can dodge that making it feel like dodging is satisfying?
Spitballing :)
1- I tried momentum and WASD. I still have a little bit of momentum without WASD. Too much momentum feels like you are running on ice. Though I believe this is mostly due to lack of angular momentum, and animations that are too fast. I'll work on it some more eventually.
2- I'm going to stay away from driving controls. I've played 2d top-down games with driving controls and it makes me want to gauge my eyes out. You get stuck on corners and its hard to enter buildings, etc. Or maybe that's just me.
3- Double tap to dodge, interesting. Something worth giving a try.
4- And I'll also try more enemy momentum, along with angular momentum to avoid the problem I mentioned at 1. I think this can work well with 3, if done right.
* Though I have to add, earlier when I said dodging, I really meant tight maneuvering through gaps in enemies and terrain.
I've also kept the old controls in for now, since I still like them better. Admittedly, I switch to the new WASD scheme when it suits the situation. Do you think leaving both control schemes in will confuse players?
Thanks again for all the help. I hope I haven't been sounding like I'm just disregarding your advice (and following my own). I tend to seek out every argument for every case, every time.
Download: Days v1.5c (now with WASD controls).zip
PS. I'm actually loving the fact that I can WASD when I want, and mouse when I want. Doesn't WOW do something like this? Haven't played in ages. And neither should I. Or anyone.
Really like that game play now, got to run around a bit more ;)
Some more thoughts, not sure if you are already implementing them.
The GUI at the top left, could you maybe show which Keys to press there? (I kept on having to press escape to remind myself of each key :P ) Just next to each one.
Rather than having the Zombie just stop and die, having him spin around in circles?
I notice when my character dies he just stops and doesn't disappear or anything just continues to run in spot, you could have the same blood pool as you do for the zombies, or even a little grave stone to indicate where you died. Better yet save each location you die(with a grave stone or cross), so every time you play you can see where you got up to :P
Unless the levels are randomly generated, then never mind, hehe :)
I still want to work on death animations or something. And I haven't done much toward implementing anything for the player's death (besides the death sound), it's on my list though, maybe I'll bump it up a little higher priority-wise.
I'll add the keys as you suggested, but I'll also make a "nice" GUI eventually, and somehow indicate what you can press there.
The levels are not randomly generated. Would be cool though if it could be eventually. Just not sure how I'd do it yet. If I do it eventually, I'll probably have generated parts, and pre-designed parts.
It could be cool though to show where you have died before. Eventually when I get to designing a save/load structure, I might save the last couple of places you died and show those. Maybe with a little grave stone or something as you suggested.
Grave Days PC prealpha v1.6
I bought a package on unity, and had to tweak some of the code a bit and change some structures to work with Grave Days. It's pretty awesome I think, as I can use it as a vision system, so you can't see behind certain obstacles. So if you are in a room, you can't see what's going on outside, which I think is a good addition to the stealth part of the game.
However, it is quite processor intensive, as it using raycasting. I've looked through the code and I see that it pretty much just raycasts hundereds to thousands of rays about a source. The package allows you to reduce the resolution, but this produces artifacts (flickering shadows as you move, etc). I've added an option in the menu with 6 resolution presets. I also reduced the normal framerate to 45 (I assume this is with vsync off, haven't done testing yet). Anyway, I'm sure some people's machines would be able to handle it, but I want this to be generally accessible. The lag it produces isn't too horrible on my machine (if any), but if I put the resolution to the highest setting, there is a fair bit of lag on some parts of the map or if there are many zombies.
Now, if this feature happens to be annoying (due to lag or shadow artifacts/flickering), then I'll scrap it. Though I like it, and can spitball a few ways to optimise in the future, but it will take some time. If it seems to be generally liked (even though the shadows flickering a bit), then I'll keep it, with the option of trying to optimise it way down the line (though possibly never being AAA quality of course).
One final thing, the shadows completely engulf some of the walls and you can't see the wall textures, but this is something that I will easily fix by tweaking my shadow layers (just requires an hour or so of my time).
tldr; Let me know if you like the new shadow system, or does the flickering vs lag trade-off (see menu setting) annoy you?
Grave Days PC prealpha v1.6
EDIT: I managed to implement a slight optimization that gives about 5 extra fps when the processing load is the most, but with potentially much more (I think) if I split up some of my large colliders. I've thought of a second optimization as well that should work fairly well.
I'll keep this short!
In celebration of a lot of implemented mechanics (saving, items, rate items), and in anticipation for a nice content update, I've compiled this version of Grave Days that is full-on zombie shooter (high zombie spawn rate, practically infinite ammo)! I was messing around with a machine gun I added, so I decided to share:
Grave Days AK47
Note, the next update will once again have limited ammo, and survival focus. This is just for some zombie killing fun (and there are LOTS of them)! I don't really require too much feedback on this, this is just for fun. Though general mechanics annoyances or ideas feedback are still welcome :)
PS. I'll probably start supporting web builds again starting next update.
It's my first video, hopefully the next one will be cooler :)
Cool new survivors buddies at 1:36 to end.
Just some issues to watch out for, if you host, your firewall might block the game. Also, disconnects, and a player leaving the game is not yet successfully handled (session will break), though a single LAN game should work fine over a stable connection.
If you are going to try out single player, please give me feedback on the survivors. They might do weird things now and then, like get stuck in corners.
PC Download - prealpha v1.10.6
Short term to-do list (fixes):
- Sync up items for LAN players (currently each has their own loot)
- Add survivors to multiplayer games
- Fix/complete save functionality for single player games
An artist (@princeXD) has joined the team! I suppose it wasn't a team before, but is now :P . He said he will introduce himself soon, but I'm jumping the gun and showing off his concept characters. These are some of the characters he has drawn:
He will be trying his hand at producing some spritesheets next, but I'm fairly confident he will manage it, seeing he has surpassed my expectations :D
I'll probably be asking some really big questions in the near future, which I would like feedback on.
Download: Grave Days PC prealpha v1.10.10
We are in the process of pushing for our first alpha release, with a slightly more polished demo, including:
- A cool main menu and better GUI overall
- Refinements of the current sprites and sprites for all the character classes
- A handful of quests + very basic tutorial quest
Also I'll undoubtedly implement some bug fixes, including the LAN and saving/loading not working anymore. Many of the bugs were due to me accidentally removing a commit (hard reset) from my git (Yay for git noobness).
If you feel like giving it a try for feedback on the new view/control scheme, and whatever else that comes to mind, feel free to download it here :
Finally, here's some eye candy: