Dungeon Run: 2014 Indie Game Maker Competition

edited in General

I'd like to announce our game Dungeon Run, which has been developed over the last 2 weeks and today it has been entered into the 2014 Indie Game Maker Competition (Sponsored by RPG maker and Humble bundle)

The PC version of the game can be downloaded from the above link, or you can also get it on my website.

Android version on Google Play


You can also create your own levels... see the readme.

Please, please vote for us, we're very excited! :)

Also any feedback is much appreciated!

Thanked by 2Fengol duncanbellsa


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    how do you pick up the boots?

    [Edit] Solved, it's not obvious you need to double-click on your inventory space.
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    @Fengol Yeah I was worried about the pickup mechanic... Due to the tight timeline as enforced by the competition (1 month dev cycle and a late start), I could not U-turn on the early design decision - my dev partner pointed it out as well. Thanks, agreed. :)
  • Now also available on Google Play for Android

    I also made a Windows 8 build that we will launch on the App store and hopefully get good feedback and ideas for future improvements.

    The 2014 Indie Game Maker Competition is now closed and they're not accepting any new entries.
    Over 500 games were submitted! That is astonishing.

    We would appreciate your support by liking our game on the competition page.

    It might help in giving us a chance to make the judging stages after this week, LOL

    Thanks for your support! :)
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