Share your old (and/or bad) code!

edited in General
So! After discussing things last night with Gazza and Karuji and the likes we went into overdrive and discussed with vast quantities of nostalgia various projects we once worked on.

I am still working at getting stuff from old Game Maker projects, but in the mean time:

Project: "Galactic Jump" / Endless scrolling up-downy game.


Built in XNA for Windows Phone 7 it was a competition entry to try and win golden circle tickets to see Kings of Leon. On the Windows Phone Store I ended up renaming it and changing it a few times, but here is my "rainbow generation code" which is the most interesting part of the code:

float CubicInterpolate(int y0, int y1, int y2, int y3, float mu)
            int a0, a1, a2, a3;
            float mu2;

            mu2 = mu * mu;
            a0 = y3 - y2 - y0 + y1;
            a1 = y0 - y1 - a0;
            a2 = y2 - y0;
            a3 = y1;

            return (a0 * mu * mu2 + a1 * mu2 + a2 * mu + a3);

        void SetUpInitialValues()
            Score = 0;
            v2_plane_origin = new Vector2(t2d_plane.Width / 2, t2d_plane.Height / 2);
            v2_plane_position = new Vector2(128 + 16 + 32, 240);
            f_plane_movement = 0;
            f_plane_rotation = 0;
            SpacerSpeed = 5;
            CurrentOffset = MaxOffset;
            CurrentSpace = 470;
            OffSetCounter = 0;
            spacers = new List<SpacerPlacer>();
            rainbows = new List<RainbowR>();

            spacer_counter = 10000;

            Countdown = true;
            CountDownTimer = 5000;

private bool DoSpacers()
            bool crashed = false;

            for (int i = spacers.Count; i > 0; i--)
                spacers[i - 1].placement.X -= SpacerSpeed;
                if (spacers[i - 1].placement.X < 0)
                    spacers.RemoveAt(i - 1);
                else if (spacers[i - 1].placement.X > v2_plane_position.X - 16 && spacers[i - 1].placement.X < v2_plane_position.X + 16)
                    if ((v2_plane_position.Y > spacers[i - 1].placement.Y - 5 && v2_plane_position.Y < spacers[i - 1].placement.Y + 5) ||
                        (v2_plane_position.Y > spacers[i - 1].placement.Y + 480 - 5 && v2_plane_position.Y < spacers[i - 1].placement.Y + 480 + 5))
                        crashed = true;

            for (int i = rainbows.Count; i > 0; i--)
                rainbows[i - 1].rect.X -= SpacerSpeed;
                if (rainbows[i - 1].rect.X < 0)
                    rainbows.RemoveAt(i - 1);

            if (spacer_counter <= 0)
                if (CurrentSpace > MinSpace)
                    CurrentSpace -= 25;
                if (SpacerSpeed < 10)
                    SpacerSpeed += 1;
                spacer_counter = 10000;
            if (!s_tunnel)
                if (spc_rand.Next(250) > 248)
                    s_tunnel = true;
                    tunnelcount = 5;
                tunnelcount -= 1;
                if (tunnelcount < 0)
                    s_tunnel = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < SpacerSpeed; i++)

                OffSetCounter += spc_rand.Next(-2, 2);
                if (spc_rand.Next(250) > 240)
                    s_arbitrary = spc_rand.Next(45, 55);
                CurrentOffset = (int)MathHelper.Clamp((float)(CurrentOffset + 3 * Math.Sin(OffSetCounter / s_arbitrary)), -MaxOffset, MaxOffset);
                CurrentSpace = (int)MathHelper.Clamp(CurrentSpace, MinSpace, 460);
                SpacerPlacer top, bottom;
                int usable_offset;
                if (spacers.Count > 3)
                    usable_offset = (int)(CubicInterpolate(spacers[spacers.Count - 3].Offset, spacers[spacers.Count - 1].Offset, CurrentOffset, CurrentOffset, 0.2f * i));
                    usable_offset = CurrentOffset;

                top = new SpacerPlacer();
                top.placement.X = 850 - SpacerSpeed + i;
                top.placement.Y = usable_offset - 200 - (CurrentSpace / 2 - (s_tunnel == true ? 65 : 0));
                top.Offset = CurrentOffset;
                bottom = new SpacerPlacer();
                bottom.placement.X = 850 - SpacerSpeed + i;
                bottom.placement.Y = (int)MathHelper.Clamp(usable_offset + (CurrentSpace / 2 - (s_tunnel == true ? 65 : 0)), 64, 460) + 240;
                bottom.Offset = CurrentOffset;

                Rectangle rainbow = new Rectangle(850 - SpacerSpeed + i, top.placement.Y + 480, 3, (int)Math.Abs(top.placement.Y + 480 - bottom.placement.Y));
                RainbowR r = new RainbowR();
                r.rect = rainbow;

            if (crashed)
                return true;

            return false;

To describe what happens - I use cubic interpolation to work slowly from a certain width rainbow up and down (and connected to previous sections of rainbows). Not perfect, but could be useful for someone at some point.

Project: Fragmented Space / space shooter of sorts, boids implementation
This was a simple top down space shooter, the code behind it is very simple, but something I learned in the project was the concept of "boids". Essentially I built some simple flocking mechanics for my enemies:

public class Enemy
        public Vector2 Position;
        public float Direction;
        public Color Colour;
        public int FireRate = 1000;
        public int nextFire = 1000;

        public int Speed;
        private bool Evade = false;
        private int EvadeCount = 500;
        private int EvadeLength = 500;

        public Vector2 loc { get {return Position; } }
        public Vector2 vel = new Vector2();
        public Vector2 acc = new Vector2();
        float r;
        float maxSpeed;
        float maxForce;

        public Enemy(int x, int y, int speed, float mf)
            Position = new Vector2(x, y);
            Speed = speed;

            r = 2.0f;
            maxSpeed = speed;
            maxForce = mf;

        public void Run(List<Enemy> enemies)


            nextFire -= GameState.gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds;
            if (nextFire <= 0)
                nextFire += FireRate;
                Bullet b = new Bullet();
                b.Damage = 1;
                b.Direction = Direction;
                b.Speed = 2 * Speed;
                b.Colour = Colour;
                b.Position = new Vector2(Position.X, Position.Y);


        private void ChaseEvade(List<Enemy> enemies)
            foreach (Enemy e in enemies)
                Vector2 closest = new Vector2();
                double d = 9999999;
                if (e.Colour != Colour)
                    double d2 = MHelper.Vector2Distance(Position, e.Position);
                    if ((d2 < d) && (d2 > 25))
                        d = d2;
                        closest = e.Position;

                if (d < 50)
                    Evade = true;

                double d3 = MHelper.Vector2Distance(e.Position, GameState.PlayerPosition);
                if ((d < d3) && (d3 > 75) && (!Evade))
                    Direction = ChaseAndEvade.TurnToFace((float)Math.Atan2(closest.Y - Position.Y, closest.X - Position.X), Direction);
                else if (Evade)
                    Direction = ChaseAndEvade.TurnToFace((float)Math.Atan2(GameState.PlayerPosition.Y - Position.Y, GameState.PlayerPosition.X - Position.X), -Direction);
                    EvadeCount -= GameState.gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds;
                    if (EvadeCount <= 0)
                        EvadeCount += EvadeLength;
                        Evade = false;

        private void Flock(List<Enemy> enemies)
            Vector2 sep = separate(enemies);
            Vector2 ali = align(enemies);
            Vector2 coh = cohese(enemies);
            Vector2 tar = target();

            //weight forces
            sep *= 4.0f;
            ali *= 1.0f;
            coh *= 0.1f;
            tar *= 1.5f;

            acc = sep + ali + coh - tar;


        private Vector2 target()
            Vector2 chase = new Vector2();
            float d = (float)MHelper.Vector2Distance(Position, GameState.PlayerPosition);
            if (d > 150)
                chase = Position - GameState.PlayerPosition;
                chase *= maxSpeed;
                if (chase.Length() > maxForce)
                    chase *= maxForce;
            return chase;

        private Vector2 cohese(List<Enemy> enemies)
            float neighbourDistance = 1000f;
            Vector2 sum = new Vector2();
            int count = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < enemies.Count; i++)
                Enemy other = enemies[i];
                float d = (float)MHelper.Vector2Distance(loc,other.loc);
                if ((d < neighbourDistance) && (other.Colour == Colour) && (d > 0))
                    sum += other.loc;

            if (count > 0)
                sum /= count;
                return steer(sum, false);
            return sum;

        private Vector2 align(List<Enemy> enemies)
            float neighbourDist = 1000f;
            Vector2 steer = new Vector2();
            int count = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < enemies.Count; i++)
                Enemy other = enemies[i];

                float d = (float)MHelper.Vector2Distance(loc, other.loc);
                if ((d < neighbourDist) && (other.Colour == Colour) && (d > 0))
                    steer += other.vel;

            if (count > 0)
                steer /= count;

            if (steer.Length() > 0)
                steer *= maxSpeed;
                steer -= vel;
                if (steer.Length() > maxForce)
                    steer *= maxForce;

            return steer;

        private Vector2 separate(List<Enemy> enemies)
            float desiredSeparation = 100f;
            Vector2 steer = new Vector2();
            int count = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < enemies.Count; i++)
                Enemy other = enemies[i];
                float d = (float)MHelper.Vector2Distance(loc, other.loc);
                if ((d < desiredSeparation) && (other.Colour == Colour) && (d > 0)) //colours flock together
                    Vector2 diff = loc - other.loc;
                    diff /= d;
                    steer += diff;

            if (count > 0)
                steer /= count;

            if (steer.Length() > 0)
                steer *= maxSpeed;
                steer /= vel;
                if (steer.Length() > maxForce)
                    steer *= maxForce;

            return steer;

        public void seek(Vector2 target)
            acc += steer(target, false);

        private void arrive(Vector2 target)
            acc += steer(target, true);

        private Vector2 steer(Vector2 target, bool slowDown) //steer towards a target
            Vector2 steer = new Vector2();
            Vector2 desired = target - loc;
            float d = desired.Length();

            if (d > 0)
                if ((slowDown) && (d < 100.0f))
                    desired *= maxSpeed * (d / 100.0f);
                    desired *= maxSpeed;
                steer = desired - vel;
                if (steer.Length() > maxSpeed)
                    steer *= maxSpeed;

            return steer;

        private void Update()
            vel += acc;
            if (vel.Length() > maxSpeed)
                vel *= maxSpeed;
            Position += vel;
            acc *= 0;

            Direction = (float)Math.Atan2(vel.Y, vel.X);


I still am going to go futher back and share code from older games (like my Competition 15 entry from way-back-when) if I can get the code. This idea stemmed from the fact that some of the games shown last night brought back thoughts of where I came from as a developer, and I wanted as an exercise to go over my old code and see what I thought.
1162 x 588 - 54K
1280 x 768 - 45K


  • Excuse me while I look for my 10,000 line file I used in a C++ made game (not even including the line of code from the engine I custom made for it)

    .. brb
  • edited
    ok, couldn't find that project, but found my very first game jam

    this was a bit interesting

    if (currentState == MENU)
    if (currentState == YOU_LOSE_AND_YOU_CANT_WIN)
        if (keyDown[SDLK_ESCAPE])
    	delete world;
    	world = NULL;
    	currentState = MENU;
    	keyDown[SDLK_ESCAPE] = false;

    not necc. bad code (except the keyDown[SDLK_ESCAPE] = false; wtf was I doing there?) just a shout out to my former self for making "YOU_LOSE_AND_YOU_CANT_WIN" a state in that game :D :D :D
  • I was doing a couple of these INSIDE OnGUI()...

    Sprite someSprite = Resources.Load<Sprite>(string.Format("Textures/AniMAL/{0}", "elephant1"));

    Eish! So each iteration it was fetching the same old sprites over and over and over and over and over.

    Needless to say it stop crashing after this was moved to a non-looping method and cached... Doh :)

    Don't drink and code!
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