What Online Game API/Extensions Do You Use to Save Player Data?

edited in Questions and Answers
Hey everyone!

I was wondering what online game API/extensions does everyone use to save/store player data? Which ones would you recommend? Examples: Flox, Game Jolt etc.

Thanks in advance!


  • I have only good things to say about Parse.
    Thanked by 1AngryMoose
  • Seconded. Parse is remarkable for any sort of cloud saving or remote data processing.
  • A database, XML, a zip library and an encryption algorithm walk into a bar...
  • Parse without a doubt.

    If you are going to roll your own, I suggest you avoid XML like the plague and at least go JSON. Though with so many great alternatives out there, it's hard to think of why you would want to do that to yourself.
  • Thanks a lot guys, Parse looks really awesome, going to look into it right away!
  • Hmm, I've not worked first hand with parse, but the guys over at Fonk (mobile agency) use it with mixed reviews. Think it's great for allowing front end guys to cheat backend - but doesn't compare to having a dedicated backend developer. There are a lot of limitations inherent in the platform.
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