An interesting rant I read about the state of labor in the video games industry.
I don't see a lot of sources criticizing the IGDA, though I think everyone is aware of the relatively tough working conditions in the video game's industry.
Does anyone think that the IGDA should be more involved with improving working conditions in video games?
(Honestly I'm not sure what can be done, but the article makes the claim that IGDA is managed by people who wouldn't be interested in doing anything about it in any case).
Does anyone think that the IGDA should be more involved with improving working conditions in video games?
(Honestly I'm not sure what can be done, but the article makes the claim that IGDA is managed by people who wouldn't be interested in doing anything about it in any case).
I believe that it is in the interest of game studios and publishers 3 for an association of workers like the IGDA to exist in an ineffective state in order to drain the energy of people who could otherwise do effective pro-developer activism and to provide a straw man that can be pointed to in order to show that organizing will get us nowhere.
It's odd that you feel like there's not a lot of criticism of the IGDA, I've heard tons (in fact, when I first read that, I thought of the exact article you linked). I've been watching the IGDA for years now, ever since the early days of Game.Dev - I was even a student member while I was at university... The only thing the IGDA has done that's been useful, was sending this guy over to GDC in 2011 on a student scholarship deal. While that's totally awesome (nobody should pass up an opportunity like that, ever) he subsequently left SA, so y'know, yay for the local community and all that.
I might be remembering the whole thing wrong (and other instances the IGDA has been spoken about). But I don't remember these particular arguments being leveled against the IGDA.
I have held a vague feeling that the IGDA is ineffective, but I didn't know how much of that was my own bias against authority. Maybe I'm just forgetting the instances of criticism.
In the writers workshop, that Andy Walsh gave, Andy talked rather positively of the IGDA. In particular he said its website had some good information about games writer's salaries (which myself and Google as a team couldn't find) and some information about writing for games.
I guess it's a case that there are some positive things the IGDA does do. But unless I'm missing a whole lot of the picture, I'm feeling like those positive things don't justify the association's existence (in it's current form anyway).
This whole thing seems like a rather important issue that I'm very late to the party in becoming aware of.
Relevant article on Kotaku on issues that are also labour related in the games industry:
The Kotaku article shares some similar thoughts: I feel the main problem is (like the article you shared states) that the IGDA isn't a union, it hasn't been running with an agenda to improve the labour conditions in the game industry. Today was the first day I ever had a notion that perhaps they should be doing more advocacy for improvements to the game industry.
The way IGDA sells itself is "Stay Current", "Stay Connected" and "Stay Informed". There is no call to action or goal stating they want to improve the game industry. It is all about networking, keeping up to date with trends and being a part of the IGDA. Their description of "serving people in the games industry" is probably what people feel means the IGDA should take a stronger stance on issues with the game industry.
The problem isn't what IGDA is or isn't doing, it is what we as people working in the industry are accepting from our employers, and the fact that we are willing to complain about it but not fight for it to change because we are "living the dream" (as it is described in the articles).
Ninja Edit: didn't see @tuism posted what I linked to till after posting here, but I still feel it is relevant.
Kazemi was pretty damning of the IGDA's lack of advocacy on several issues in his post. I'm trying to remember what the last IGDA advocacy thing that I saw was... All I'm remembering right now is the whole quality of life thing after the EA_spouse bombshell.
From the IGDA FAQ: