Hi guys,<br><br>So as (I hope) you have noticed, we are kinda trying to do what the community wants for this site, so I figured I should detail the current plans (or what I know of them) as well as offer proper space to give suggestions of what should actually make it onto the site.<br><br>Firstly, this is <a href="http://www.makegamessa.com/discussion/17/make-games-logo#Item_8">not directly related to the logo discussion</a>. Discussion about the look and feel would be more appropriate there, I am more focussed on what tech needs to be written and/or integrated into the forum software to make it a fully functional community site that gives us the power to correctly drive the community. <br><br>So the major plan that I personally had from the start was to build a plugin to handle news and "feature" community content. This would be featured on the main page, along with the twitter feed and the "latest posts". There would be 4 main things that I feel would be ideal to have implemented (even if it isnt used yet) and they would be:<br><ol><li>Posting news articles on the site itself</li><li>Getting latest news <u>related to making games</u> from local release avenues for news (company blogs, etc)</li><li>Featuring forum posts (whether they are projects, good conversational topics, etc)</li><li>The plugin would closely link a thread for each item so they can be discussed on the forums</li></ol><p>Any thoughts or input on that system directly would be good, and any other backend additions you have to suggest should be done here I think, to give a good central "Tech" place to go to.<br></p>
@elyaradine The timezone should be Africa/Johannesburg now by default.
With regards to notifications. In your profile you can select what you want to be notified about. You can un-check them to receive notifications.
I would still love the option to disable seeing my posts as highlighted if it is possible ;)
I think the current consensus is to keep everything in one category so there is more "churn". That may change in the future though.
1. Love that the site is generally so mobile friendly, though if there's a way to make the navigation links at the top of the page not quite as tiny on mobile that would be great.
2. One good thing SAGD had was developer and game profiles (a wiki I think) does anyone know if that's still accessible? Could we pull the content off and set up a similar wiki here?
What I could suggest (with or without the db dump) is that we enhance Vanilla's profile pages to offer their developer profile? With the added option of static pages for companies?
Notes about the mobile things: The header sizes are easy to change, will do that quickly later today, the images not showing is more specifically that the attached files do not show like they do on the main site, whereas embedded images do work (which is why it is a larger job to sort).
Oh also, if the channel becomes partnered or monetized then the proceeds can go towards the community. Could help out with funding the hosting and what not.