Creative Code Thundafund

edited in General
This may be of interest, it sounds like a great project, and could use our support (both in crowd funding and possibly in helping more directly?)

Dr Marion Walton is a well respected academic at UCT, who has written a lot about game and digital media in the Khayelitsha area.

From the project website:

"Creative Code introduces school kids to coding, making it more accessible through visual media, gaming and mobile phones.

Creative coders produce visual designs, games and websites. They may choose to study Computer Science or Digital Media. Help us renovate the Ikamva Coders' computer lab and share our lessons in mobile form with many more kids and their teachers.

Creative Code is a computer literacy project with a difference, based at the Makhaza branch of Ikamva Youth in Khayelitsha. Creative Code teaches kids how computer coding works – how their favourite games and cool graphics are made. Creative Code teaches kids to look under the bonnet, and see how programs work.

Very few South African learners realize the exciting career possibilities in digital media and computer science, because computer programming seems very inaccessible and distant to them and they have very few opportunities to work on computers. We make coding more accessible through visual media, gaming and mobile phones."
Thanked by 1EvanGreenwood
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