Richard Pieterse's Ludum Dare Simulator 2014

edited in Projects
I'm posting this here, because @Merrik hasn't yet.

@Merrik (Richard Pieterse) made a game out of the video footage he took over the Ludum Dare #30 weekend.


Windows Build (276Mb): Content/Ludum Dare Simulator

I don't want to say too much about it. I think Richard feels there are things he's unsatisfied with. But I think it's a wonderful experiment (and one that I hope he repeats with the feedback he's gotten).

Basically: Give this a go if you have a morbid curiosity for seeing Free Lives in its natural habitat.

Or: Steer clear of this if you bear a burning hatred for Free Lives or are otherwise uninterested in their sordid lives.

Thanked by 2dammit Fengol


  • I loving it, but it needs a pause button!
  • This is pretty awesome - though I played it on mute and didn't quite get to the end because reasons.
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    dammit said:
    This is pretty awesome - though I played it on mute...
    Nooo! You missed the witty banter!
  • I enjoyed the witty banter. Also, no idea Stu could play like that. Restecp.
  • Stu is also an actual ninja (not in a "like a ninja" sense, but in the sense of studying ninjutsu).
  • He did seem pretty handy with that broom! Now we know why ;)
    Thanked by 1EvanGreenwood
  • So, apparently I have feedback that's worth sharing.

    I stopped playing the game at the point where @Merrik turns the camera on himself because at that point I was no longer playing my own game, but @Merrik's - I guess suspension of disbelief was lost.
    Thanked by 1EvanGreenwood
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    I feel like it ended up as an interesting time capsule of this period of my life. I look forward to replaying it in a couple of years time. I can't really see much appeal in it for others. It's very self indulgent and I'm very self-conscious about it because its so personal.

    That's a interesting point about the first person. I never really thought about it at the time. It's definitely something to keep in mind if I try something like this again. Thanks @Dammit.
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    Also, thanks to @BlackShipsFilltheSky, @Dammit, @dislekcia, @Raxter, @Creative630, @Bevis, and everyone else who generously let me record I tiny piece of our lives.
    Thanked by 1dammit
  • Merrik said:
    I feel like it ended up as an interesting time capsule of this period of my life. I look forward to replaying it in a couple of years time. I can't really see much appeal in it for others. It's very self indulgent and I'm very self-conscious about it because its so personal.

    That's a interesting point about the first person. I never really thought about it at the time. It's definitely something to keep in mind if I try something like this again. Thanks @Dammit.
    I think the appeal is in the fact that your life is quite different (and arguably fairly cool :P ) compared many others' so it's the same reason we'd play other games - to sort of semi experience another existence. I think it's a cool way to tell stories, but I would expect a future version to have less down time between options and actual player engagement. I skipped a fair amount cause I wanted to see what (i) would get to do next.

  • The game strangely doesn't appear to be working for me. I'm on windows 8, I don't know if that is the problem.
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    The game doesn't work on my PC too
  • @NickCuthbert, @Cheatsi, have you guys installed the codec pack that came with the game? I found that Windows 8 had pretty much no useful codecs out of the box :(
  • Hehe. It was really funny and interesting.
    I would rate it 10 brofists out of 10 bald eagles. ;)
    Thanked by 1Merrik
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