Being inspired by Joseph Campbell's ",Monomyth", I came up with a metaphor for creating narratives.
I call it Narrative Magnetics and it works as follows.
Imagine that you have a flat surface of appropriate length and width with a certain amount of magnets fixed on to it and spaced in a straight line.
The flat surface represents your story and the magnets represent, for example, key themes, chapters or narrative patterns.
You as the developer hold a separate magnet (representing the player) over the first magnet on the flat surface and you note what the effect is between the held magnet and the fixed magnet.
The player (magnet) will be influenced by any of the magnets in similar, yet various ways, because of what they denote.
Thus, the player (magnet) changes as the interpretation of the on-going story changes.
Magnets here denote stronger ideas in the story, and are linked through more subtle parts of the story by the surface under them.
The distances between the magnets may also vary because of greater themes or compelling destinies.
The narrative magnetic effect between all magnets is important.
Kind regards
Being inspired by Joseph Campbell's ",Monomyth", I came up with a metaphor for creating narratives.
I call it Narrative Magnetics and it works as follows.
Imagine that you have a flat surface of appropriate length and width with a certain amount of magnets fixed on to it and spaced in a straight line.
The flat surface represents your story and the magnets represent, for example, key themes, chapters or narrative patterns.
You as the developer hold a separate magnet (representing the player) over the first magnet on the flat surface and you note what the effect is between the held magnet and the fixed magnet.
The player (magnet) will be influenced by any of the magnets in similar, yet various ways, because of what they denote.
Thus, the player (magnet) changes as the interpretation of the on-going story changes.
Magnets here denote stronger ideas in the story, and are linked through more subtle parts of the story by the surface under them.
The distances between the magnets may also vary because of greater themes or compelling destinies.
The narrative magnetic effect between all magnets is important.
Kind regards