FuckThisJam :)
I've always thought this was an interesting one:
http://fuckthisjam.com/Fuck This Jam 2014 (May 31st - June 6th, 2014) is a gamejam that challenges you to make a game in a genre you hate. As developers, we're all being told to make games we love playing, or games we love making. Genres we know the in and outs of, genres that we research before starting on a game. We ask you to do one simple thing: spend one week making a game in a genre you dislike, a genre you don't care about and a genre you don't know about.
If you love making arcade shooters, why not make a thoughtful puzzler? If you love narrative adventure games, why not make a third person shooter? The less you know, the more likely it is that you'll make something new and interesting.
Through utter ignorance for conventions and hate for the established rules of a genre, beautiful things can happen.
@Tuism, I know you don't like random chance so that, I presume, would be your challenge; but that's just a mechanic that can be applied to any genre.
I like the idea though. To stretch yourself to make something you don't normally deal with. Most people I think would qualify to make a sports simulator!
[*] Barbie Horse Adventures and other horse-related games
[*] Non-horse-related games
Ooooh ooh, a SPORTS GAME WITH DICE. Kill me now :)
FYI: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_game_genres
How many of you have made a Christian game like these games from Wisdom Tree.
"I made this Jesus game for #FuckThisJam: Linklinklink"
Hmmmmm :) Jesus Dice Soccer in Barbieland on a Horse. Done!
also for a more serious cricket reference
Fuck :(
P.S. If someone doesn't make Brockian Ultra Cricket, the internet has been a waste.
http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=brockian ultra cricket
I wanted Diceball. Then saw that name's already been used many times :P
Damn I hate cricket so much I may just have to do this Cricket dice thing. With American Football.
hmmm, probably all black and white and movement like Sin City, but the Anime.
photorealism and or 3D would be there too, but I think the idea is that it would still be attainable within time.
And we'll set your IDE up to be in comic sans.
So I was watching a trailer for "Road Not Taken" and was really curious about the idea of SpryFox doing a roguelike;
And it seemed like it would make a neat little roguelike puzzler...
But then I had a look at their gameplay trailer...
And the thought of most of my time tediously solving trivial block shuffling totally killed my anticipation. "Road Not Taken" isn't a typical Sokoban, the objects in the world appear to have some interactions beyond occupying space, also the puzzles seem more open to interpretation (at least when they're trivially easy as in the video), but the apparent goal in this video is equally arbitrary (as the goal in Sokoban). (And it definitely involves block shuffling).
I'm not saying Sokoban is a bad game... or that "Road Not Taken" is a bad game based on the videos (also it's totally possible that that gameplay video isn't a good representation of Road Not Taken). I'm mostly saying that I (personally) find no enjoyment in the Sokoban sort of gameplay (which is repetitive, abstract in its goals and is very short on player agency).
I hope it's more like you suggest. I guess the example was more about my personal dislikes (which are relevant to FuckThisJam) than a critique of Daniel Cook's design.
Who's making a cricket game?
"Did the chicken house just kick you?"
Also, how is everyone progressing on their FTJ ideas? I've got a cricket card/dice game that's short a few cards, but heading towards it's first playtest soon, then there's something else we might be working on too ;)