Chris Bischoffs art dump!
Ive done quite a few of these 'concept images' for fun, so I thought I would share with the group.
Here is the latest one:
And some of the older images:
Here is the latest one:
And some of the older images:
Thanked by 10Tuism Elyaradine tbulford Gazza_N konman iceblademush francoisvn mattbenic ShadowBlade hanli
If No Remorse isn't going to be a thing in a level, I'll be dropping Spider Mines where you least expect. Be warned ;)
A Crusader game would be incredibly awesome....if it had land sharks.
</brag end>
@Tuism we going to see spider mines in your land shark game?
Hello! Crusader No Remorse... yeah baby. I remember that little gem!
Even Syndicate had a very simple control scheme which would be easy to replicate.
The game itself 'feels' more complex than it actually is. They are all these really simple systems that work together to give the illusion of something much 'deeper' happening in the background. Its quite an experience to see that game after a good few years and really look at how it works!
Imagine the tools they had at their disposal compared to how spoilt we all are today with technology and media and the benefit of hindsight.
It was a massive accomplishment and I think I'm going to go and fire it up right now and Persuadertron somebody :)
Ah nostalgia.
It was mainly a pipeline exercise to see if my current pipeline needs improvement, and how to get the most 'bang for my buck'.
I wanted to test the following:
Full character animation (facial and cloth simulation included)
Crowd scenes
A fight scene
Environment Effects [Rain]
Motion Blur
The render quality is pretty low because I needed to keep the frames down to 1.5 minutes each on the render side - there is zero GI in this setup.
I also edited around a lot of the errors, so it became very Michael Bay - I left out the music and so forth.
If you are interested in my work in progress check this out:
Great job all around!
I also just caught up on previous posts. That imaging of Bioschock as an isometric RPG is incredible. Just brilliant. My only complaint is that it's left me wishing that it was a real game!
3 days? Holy crap.
I find the video a little bit disjointed TBH (I know it is just for testing various different things). It feels like too many genres are being blended together... it breaks my suspension of disbelief. There is a distinct medieval feel (ala Assassins Creed), alien (XCOM) and then suddenly the sniper rifle/ zoom (ala Crysis). It showcases various different styles, but at the same time it also detracts a little bit from the overall experience?
It would have been more appealing to me if you stuck to a single universe and owned it outright. Just my opinion.
Overall the video is extremely well done (and I probably don't understand the artistic and technical difficulties that had to be overcome), I am gob smacked at the production values. They are very high and the work-rate...3 days WTF!
I am a huge fan of your work and am especially anticipating Stasis very much!!!
Keep pushing those boundaries and experimenting. Very cool. My $1 (Zim)... :)
My take on a modern Commandos game.
Not because it contains anything graphic, but because my colleagues now think I was watching something graphic after hearing the sounds I was making :P