Game Design theory and other stuff

edited in General
Hi all!

I'm putting together a quick 20 slides 20 seconds each chat as a quick brain-teaser introduction/teaser on Game Design, and I thought I'd just throw in a bunch of interesting game design things :)

I've pulled concepts like Yomi, Prisoner's Dilemma, Juice, Theme vs mechanic, balance... so far, and am looking for more :)

Also I remember someone having said something to the effect of "games are essential for human wellbeing as the world doesn't have enough economic activity to support keeping all the human busy/interested/engaged/productive all the time, and games are therefore good for the economy and the wellbeing of the world."... Something to that effect, can anyone recall who said that, when? I can't find it... A link would be wonderful :)

Thanks guys :)


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