Anyone else love playing local multiplayer on PC?

edited in General
Hi All!
I am currently making a game that started out as a quick little 2 player game just for fun, but it's turning into something much more.
It's a 2d platform fighter type game and currently supports up to 4 players.
My question is, does anyone(other than me) play local multiplayer games on pc?
You can play 2 players on a single keyboard and also use gamepads.

Looking forward to your feedback!

Have an awesome day all! :)


  • Oh yeah! We used to play Decathlon hunched around a single keyboard for hours on end until our fingers bled.
    I think a bowl of Rice Crispies ended upside down on that keyboard as well. Good times! :)
  • Haha Nice! Yeah we've also had a lot of awesome times with local multiplayer! I will post a prototype sometime soon! :) Thanks for the comment!
  • Local multiplayer is the new hotness, the only problem with single keyboard play is keyboard jam when it starts beeping and signals don't get through, gamepads are awesome. The recent success of titles like Samurai Gunn, Towerfall, Super Pole Riders, etc are proof of this :)
  • I loooooved the Worms series, especially when playing against a friend using local multiplayer. Personally, for local multiplayer I prefer a game where you take turns to make actions happen. This solves the issue @Tuism pointed out with keyboard jam and it also creates those moments where the one player f*&%s the other player over and you both have a second to reflect on what just happened and have a laugh about it.
  • edited
    I have many fond memories of 4 player Micromachines and Ironman (back in the 90s). 2 Player Liero was amazing. Starcontrol. Worms obviously. And fighting games like One Must Fall.

    It seemed like PC local co-op died down in the 2000s, but it's growing again now (with the spread of gamepads and success of local co-op Indie Games).

    I'm also working on a up-to-4-Player platformer : ) (And I made a 2 player fighting game prototype for Ludum Dare recently) There's definitely a market for these games out there.

    Please post your prototype soon! (Doesn't matter if it is a bit rough, the sooner you post it the sooner you can get feedback on it)

  • We regularly play local multiplayer at work. BROFORCE, Injustice, King of Fighters, several others. :)
  • Wow thanks so much for all the feedback!! @Tuism Yeah the keyboard jam could be a problem, but i haven't experienced it on any recent ones. The keyboard function is also only added for the few people who don't have enough gamepads, sort of like a last resort for them. :) @DarkRa88iT worms was(and still is) so awesome!! :) Turn based wouldn't really work here as it's a fast paced action type game, but I will try and post a vid soon to clarify what I'm up to! :)
    @BlackShipsFilltheSky Yeah it kinda did die out for a while but like you say it seems it's making a comeback!! :) Awesome yes I saw your ludum dare entry and it looks SO cool!:) me and my girlfriend also regularly play Broforce and It's just spectacular! I will post a prototype ASAP!
    @Elyaradine I also love playing fighting games locally against friends and I nearly lost my mind when Mortal Kombat came out on PC! :) It's seems the PC is getting more and more fighting games again! :)
    Thanks to everyone for the replies! You guys are the best!
    Have a awesome day!
  • Man. Back in the days these kept me and my friends up till the birds were tweeting. In the original meaning of tweeting. Emulators and an actual SNES :)

    Tetris Attack (best. game. ever.)
    King Of Fighters 98 and on - actually everything was not as good after 98.
    One Must Fall (so good! Until the infinite cat pounce combo ruined it :P)
    Garou: Mark of the Wolf
    Samurai Showdown
    Super Mario World (amazing game really)
    Ganbare Goeman
    Tekken 6
    Idol Money Exchanger

    So many more. Man. Memories. It's a shame that none of these can really work on our networks - any lag AT ALL ruins it. But that's also the magic of local multiplayer :)
  • @Tuism Awesome! Local play is the best! Have you ever played Lara Croft and the Guardian of light? Me and my girlfriend finished it together and it was really cool as well! I'm gonna have to check out some of the games you listed! Right NOW! :)
  • Apparently the XBox version of Diablo 3 had local co-op play. It's really sad that didn't come to PC because it sounds like I would have enjoyed it vastly more.
  • There's a new version of D3 with the expansion and a bunch of improved play modes coming to consoles in August, I can't wait for THAT :)
  • I'm sad to say I've not yet played D3 yet! :( Anyone playing Path of Exile? I got my girlfriend to try it out and now we play every weekend. :D
  • Yeah! Local multiplayer is always a win. A recent-ish game that has local coop is Blur (death-race sort of game). It has 4 player coop... on PC!

    Only problem is that it is a bad console port so you need a beast of a PC to run it normally. But once you get it running smoothly, it's lot's of fun with local coop, 4-way splitscreen and not fun at all single-player ;)

    It's exactly why I want to make my game 4-way local splitscreen too.
  • @AntiVoid ooh I forgot about Blur! that's so awesome! have you ever played Split Second? it can also do 2 player split screen on PC and is Crazy fun! I'm really glad to see local multiplayer on PC is still viable! :) have an awesome Evening!
    Thanked by 1AntiVoid
  • J.S. Joust.

    Actually, all of Sportsfriends is pretty damn amazing, but Joust still holds a super special place in my heart.
  • Wow I've never heard of J.S Joust but i checked it out just now and it looks so interesting! How do people come up with these things!?! :D
    Any one ever played Soldat? we played it in school(in the computer science class :) ) and it was also a ton of fun!
  • @karl182: Doug Wilson designed a whole bunch of games around the PSmove controller - one of my favorites: Dog The Wag, literally makes you get on your hands and knees in a circle with a controller tied to your butt, then you wag, wag like crazy. Sometimes other people jump on you to halve your points. It's awesome :)
  • @dislekcia Haha wow I've gotta check this out! thanks! :)
    I'm working on a 2-4 player multiplayer platwork fighting type game, and I've started a topic for the prototype. Please check it out when you have a chance, I would love to get some insights! :)
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