{Pre - Alpha} Task Force Alpha

edited in Projects
Hey Guys,

I am currently working on a project that has me at a kind of stand still owing to my serious lack of coding ability, right now I'm a beginner at best with Unity but have done well to assemble the game to its current stage.

Task Force Alpha

I would of course love to get this game finished and ready for deployment but that is taking a little more time than I'd like. Any help would be appreciated but feedback also greatly appreciated right now.


  • edited
    Hey man,
    Welcome to the forums,

    If you ever need help with unity, email me at Kobusvdwalt9[at]gmail[dot]com
    I might be able to help you, I will at least try.

    As for the game, I could not get it running. I pressed every key to start but to no avail.
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