Advice - Board Game to Tablet

edited in General
Hi All,

I am the co-creator of Crash Tackle the Rugby Board, and I'm looking for some advice on having our board game made into a tablet version.

Crash Tackle has been in production since 1998 (I think) and started as a college project in 1996. Over the years sales have ticked over just enough to keep it afloat - selling a niche product (board games) to a niche market (rugby fans) is never gonna be easy, but the feedback from fans and the love of the game has kept it going.

I digress - with the cost of postage and print production and the obvious trend to digital, I was hoping to 'port' Crash Tackle over to iPad or the like.

What the digital platform does do is eliminate the technicalities of the rugby laws and, I hope, will open the game to a broader - non-niche - gamer base.

I have been through 4 developers who offered to do it on 'risk' , but they have, as yet, never surfaced. I have also approached developers and have had some scarey prices ($US linked nogal) thrown back at me.

With the RWC coming up next year, I think the opportunity to have this game developed in conjunction with a rugby affiliated sponsor may certainly be viable (and I have some ideas on how to leverage that)

Any info or direction would be hugely appreciated.

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