Lab Panic - Unity2D Android

edited in Projects
Hi Everyone,

Indie game dev from Centurion, Gauteng.
Was recently introduced to makegamesSA by a friend and having recently released my game on android I am glad I found this community.


I have fiddled with a few of the solutions available for first time developers like GameMaker, but it was only until a few months ago when I discovered Unity, that things really fell into place. Developing in C# just made more sense to me and things quickly progressed to the point where I finally released my first game. A proud moment :)

I am only a rookie but will gladly give back to the community from what I have learnt on this project.
I am sure I will learn a lot from you guys and look forward to hear from you all.

All the best!
180 x 120 - 9K


  • How long did it take for the app to be available on the Play store? I'm currently in the waiting process of waiting for my app in the Alpha section to become available for my testers but nothing as of yet...

    As for the game itself, it looks fun, installing it now and shall provide feedback later. :)
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    @mckobus Hi, I downloaded your game, but it seems to want to connect to a server? It wants access to all my Google+ contacts (public and private) which made me not accept or login. Why is this required to play your game? :) I like the "play it forward" area of your website... great idea.
  • @konman it's to login with your Google Account, this is used for Leaderboards, Achievements etc.

    I played it and it's a lot of fun! Good Job! :)
  • @konman. I am working on changing this to make the game playable without login. To use the leaderboard however you would have to log in. I do not collect or use any information. It is purely for Leaderboards and Achievements.
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    @Bonezmann. Thanks for the feedback. I am glad you enjoyed it. Please please please leave a rating on the store if you liked it :D I was working on another game mechanic to make the game more dynamic but was afraid that I would just end up with an unfinished game. The game works well and for those who want a basic classic retro arcade game I am sure this will do.
  • All new indie devs, please have a look here:
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