Humble Widget finally opening up ?

edited in General
I found this

It seams like anyone can create their own previously exclusive humble widget now. I googled around but couldn't find anything official.
Does anybody know anything about this ? Or has anyone used the humble widget before ?


  • edited
    I seams like that is a submission form, but I am curious as to how hard it actually is to get approved .
  • We've been using the Humble Widget without any problem. I didn't know it was a closed thing at all.

    Actually, I'd go so far as to say the Humble Widget is a great solution to the 'store' problem. The Humble folks seem to understand how the indie situation works and have provided something that fits well. What we needed most badly was marketing. No store short of Steam could help with that, which left that burden with us.
    What we found with Humble is that they provide the facility to sell games and don't waste time pretending to be anything more. They do what they can and well. The other stores are much more of a hassle to deal with and also provide negligible marketing. Some are better than others, but I would say the admin overhead of dealing with the many minor stores is not worth the return at all. Humble has been a painless experience, provided what we needed for people to be able to buy and didn't waste our time.

    FYI, I can't say anything about GoG, don't include that in my assessment of 'other stores'. It may be worth the trouble and have some marketing power.
  • Spent a lot of time talking to peeps from Humble at GDC. They're pretty damn awesome, especially how they want to support devs with things like the widget. AFAIK approval shouldn't be too hard to get, just don't submit something that crashes or does other nasty stuff and make sure your paperwork is in order and you should be okay. I honestly thought everyone knew about the widget by now, it's been a thing for quite a while, I didn't realise that it might be seen as exclusive.

    We've signed with GoG, seems to be a good deal and having the extra store presence is never a bad thing. Just have to finish getting our builds to them at the moment, then we're cool to go.
  • Cool MONTEZ was approved we will set up a pre order system closer to the time. This is exciting times...

    @dislekcia I knew about the widget the thing I didnt know about was that submission form.
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