Facebook buying Oculus

edited in General

every fibre of my being dislikes this... although I have to concede on a mental level to some of the "positive" points :(

what to you guys think about this move?


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    I hated Facebook from the start, because all my ex-girlfriends would instantly know about one another. (I am such a male chauvinist pig - sorry)

    Does this mean they will all be able to see each other now and be able to discuss me in VR - like some mad tea party? ;P
  • The whole of my twitter was nothing but @oculus and @facebook last night, the opinion was somewhere between "OH GROSS FACEBOOK" and "I can't believe I paid for them to make a ton of money" by backers.

    Personally I think it's cool that an indie bred VR platform can now give console level funded stuff (Morpheus by ps4) a run for their money - and competition is always good.

    That said, I'm not entirely happy that it's Facebook, they've not had a great track record of supporting "good games".

    Theoretically, Facebook doesn't control the software getting made for it, so there shouldn't be problems about software quality.

    And as I say that, Notch cancels mine raft oculus dev due to fb name :(
  • @Tuism mine raft sounds amazing, cant wait to get that. Im hoping its like mario cart on water... ;)

    Yeah I also dont like facebook messing around in the gaming scene. On a side note does anybody notice that they have a TON of money to throw around all willy nilly.
  • I hate Facebook... because I have no friends :( (Possibly also the reason why I resent humanity and will one day build the death-ray that destroys them all... um... sorry about that... maybe I'll spare you guys, anyone here know much about waveguides?)

    I've noticed the news clog too. I see a lot of angry posts.
    It looks like FB has little interest in the gaming scene and most likely has their eyes set on virtual shopping malls and virtual one-upping with 'friends'. Guess we'll see how long they'll entertain developing it for games.
    Another interesting thought is that maybe FB's lack of a pre-existing project means it's more likely to continue as is rather than someone like MS or Sony who would just carve up the developer for spare parts on their own project.

    I do wonder what impact this will have on things like Kickstarter and the general attitude towards crowd funding. I can't help but expect this will taint that image, just a case of how much.
  • So there are these questions that IGN got in touch with me and other Rift Devs about, this is the general sort of atmosphere among devs on the Oculus forum.


    I remain quite bullish and optimistic, at least to see my commitment through to the end :)
  • Worst thing for the Occulus Rift ... so now while playing a game I am going to get Facebook Poke and Friend Request notifications ... *sigh*

    I need to meet with the rest of my team and decide if we are going to pull Occulus Rift support from Re-Spawn and move to another platform or stick it out.

    I am just concerned on what Facebook is going to do with the device ... guess time will tell. :(
  • Time will tell. Right now it's just a piece of hardware.

    At the very deep end - people will need a facebook login to use the platform, like a PSN account or Xbox Live account to login and use a Playstation or Xbox. Or a steam account to use steam.

    But that's the really deep end, and even then I'm sure they'll consider the integration fears before implementing heavy interference into games and apps.

    I still don't see how FB's ecosystem fits into oculus - it's as if they expect people to be on the Rift all the time at home, so they can use the data to market to and take from oculus users - and I doubt anyone would have a Rift on for more than a few hours at a time for intensive apps like games. I don't see it as a lifestyle fit, like wearable tech or anything like that.

    Unless FB is wanting to go into a console-like direction and is doing this as a foray other than FB.

    What a mystery :)
    Thanked by 1MrNexy
  • I think part of the problem is that people don't really know the difference between Facebook the social networking platform, and Facebook the NASDAQ listed company. One's a silly website where your aunt shares pictures of her cats, and the other is an US$ 8 billion a year company that has already bought 10 other large software or technology companies since 2007, and can probably provide a ton of capital for the development of VR technologies.
    Thanked by 2MrNexy Tuism
  • Facebook handled mobile badly, and took way longer than they should have to get their mobile offerings up to scratch. I think this is most likely them avoiding a repeat of that and getting an early in on a possible "next big thing". Personally I think they'd be better off focusing on AR than VR, but I'm not the one with a multibillion dollar war chest, so maybe I'm wrong :)

    On oculus's side, AFAIK their long term plans were never to just focus on games, and this will certainly help them branch out. If nothing else, this could help the Rift get a much bigger audience, which is great.

    And as I say that, Notch cancels mine raft oculus dev due to fb name :(
    Yeah, that's a dumbass move-and apparently he hadn't even started any kind of development on it, so what exactly is he cancelling?
    Thanked by 1MrNexy
  • And correct me if I'm wrong, is it *that* hard to do an occulus minecraft? Isn't it just a case of separating the view into two and then that's that? The rest of it is to do console-controller-friendly controls. Maybe. Can even stick with keyboard mouse given that minecraft is such a modder-friendly community.

    Oh and I remember seeing that there *EXISTS* an occulus mod for minecraft. So... publicity stunt much?
    Thanked by 1MrNexy
  • Notch did explain his decision further on his blog, so read that first before judging whether is was dumbass or not.

    here: http://notch.net/2014/03/virtual-reality-is-going-to-change-the-world/
    this is a good read too: http://valleywag.gawker.com/oculus-grift-kickstarter-as-charity-for-venture-capita-1551921517
    Thanked by 1Tuism
  • If I had the money, I would buy Oculus Rift and I think @AlphaSheep is correct that you need to separate the website from the NASDAQ corporation.

    Personally I'm very hopeful of this exchange of money. I was hoping to buy myself an Oculus when I got the newsletter that their chip supplier is out of stock and not producing more. I hope they can use the money to either change the chip or get another supplier to commit to a 5/10 year contract producing the previous chip for them.

    I'm also very hopeful that the Oculus will revolutionize the hardware like Apple did for touch screens. We've had touch screens before but it was just an input to a mouse driver. Apple brought a "truer" touch interface to the world and I hope Oculus and bring a great VR experience that others can emulate and propagate.
    Thanked by 1MrNexy
  • People's indignation at the recent events kind of gets my goat sometimes. Yes they got the funding through kickstarter but they have also fulfilled their obligations to backers. Everyone wanted Oculus to be successful and get further funding, yet they feel angry and betrayed when they do manage to strike a big deal? It smacks a little of entitlement to me is all. These folks are fortunate enough to be able to make money doing what they do now,yes through the support of the community but also through their hard work.

    Personally I prefer it to have been Facebook rather than Sony or Microsoft(Microsoft especially have a board that actively doesn't care about gaming technology), who may have simply assimilated their technology and fired whoever was leftover at the end. They bought instagram and not only did they leave it alone but it got stronger as a service, they haven't done anything to WhatsApp yet either.

    That said like anyone else I do have my fears about what will transpire going forward with this deal, there are just better ways of handling that emotion than alot of the Oculus community members have :)
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    MrNexy said:
    People's indignation at the recent events kind of gets my goat sometimes. Yes they got the funding through kickstarter but they have also fulfilled their obligations to backers.
    This really baffles me. I would never expect a company that starts with kickstarter to limit itself to what that initial budget would allow. Surely as long as the funding raised from there gets the backers what they paid for, that's what's expected. And if the company finds a way to get even bigger, well awesome!
    Notch did explain his decision further on his blog, so read that first before judging whether is was dumbass or not.

    here: http://notch.net/2014/03/virtual-reality-is-going-to-change-the-world/
    Yup, still feels like dumbassness after this. I'm sorry but I don't buy the technical challenges (no reason it couldn't be ported to something more performant than Java, and UI/input challenges will be faced by every game that makes the transition to VR). I get the feeling it really comes down to:
    but I will not work with Facebook. Their motives are too unclear
    And I did not chip in ten grand to seed a first investment round to build value for a Facebook acquisition.
    being an excuse to pull out of something he didn't see being worth it.

    He wouldn't alone in disliking and distrusting Facebook, and he has every right to decide against something he created ending up on a platform because of ethical differences. I just don't buy that's the reason either-if it really was, he'd be politely asking the Minecrift devs to take their mod down. This really does feel more like a convenient excuse to get out and not give his real reasons. If the real reason he's doing this is he doesn't think he'll make enough out of it to justify the development expense, then that's fine, but he should say as much.

    Of course this is all total speculation, who knows. Maybe he really doesn't trust FB, and is too nice a guy to knock down the Minecrift guys' hard work, and I'm the dumbass :)

  • mattbenic said:
    Of course this is all total speculation, who knows. Maybe he really doesn't trust FB, and is too nice a guy to knock down the Minecrift guys' hard work, and I'm the dumbass :)
    This, minus the dumbass bit.

    Not trusting FB is a thing. But not feeling that Minecraft can reliably output the FPS needed for an Occulus port is totally valid. Remember that if it were a product, they'd have to support it, even for the people that don't meet minimum specs - a poor experience in an official Mojang version is going to be a PR hit, which it doesn't make sense to risk. Having a mod add Occulus support saves on that potential PR problem, so why would anyone want to take that particular mod down?

    Also, Notch is far too nice to demand people take their mods down.

  • dislekcia said:
    But not feeling that Minecraft can reliably output the FPS needed for an Occulus port is totally valid
    Totally, but again if the only reason they can't hit that framerate is because it's Java, then port it to to another language/engine that will be able to. If you don't feel it's worth the effort of doing that because you don't think it'll do well enough commercially, then say so, don't blame it on the FB deal.
    dislekcia said:
    Also, Notch is far too nice to demand people take their mods down.
    That's good at least, but if he really felt so strongly about FB, wouldn't it override that niceness?
  • And in further Oculus related news http://www.oculusvr.com/blog/introducing-michael-abrash-oculus-chief-scientist/ , looks like they're building the justice league of engineers and developers :D
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