
edited in General
For those of you who haven't seen it, Duelyst is: 'Squad-Based Tactical Combat with Ranked Competitive Play. Brought to you by veterans from Diablo III and Rogue Legacy'

And it's made completely in HTML5, JS and WebGL! One of the developers has started posting some info on how they've achieved some of the visual effects here: http://www.html5gamedevs.com/topic/4765-duelyst-squad-based-tactical-combat-with-ranked-competitive-play/

Have a look at the Kickstarter https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/keithlee/duelyst

I've fallen completely in love with Glauber Kotaki's pixel art! Also, I'm very glad to see WebGL getting more attention, from duelyst in particular and of course Unity 5's support for it.


  • The art in Duelyst is bloody gorgeous :D I saw the trailer earlier and fell in love instantly, though they've got two awesome styles (the what-I-presumed-was concept art and the pixel art) that don't quite mesh so I hope they end up tying the two closer together in the end product :)
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