Gobbo Games - New Website and Press Kit
So this weekend I tore myself away from Re-Spawn development in order to address an issue that had been bugging me for a while but that I just didn't have the time to get to. After some discussions during the course of last week, it became very apparent that I needed to address these issues sooner rather than later.
So armed with NetBeans (yes I use NetBeans for my PHP Development ... shush), GIMP, and an unending supply of Coffee and a whole lot of ideas ... I tackled the new Gobbo Games website. The result barring a few frustrating moments working with some media queries and fighting with the hosting company on how they allow mail to be sent from their servers ... the result was in my opinion quite nice.

There is still some functionality that needs to be added to the website, but overall I am very happy with the results and I am closely monitoring the Google Analytics in the back-end to see what-is-what on the visitors side of things.
So after that it was time to tackle the press kits and I decided to go with presskit() and was quite happy with the results. The press kits are to the point, provide all the information necessary, and hopefully they will be useful to any "pressy" type individuals looking for more information.
Gobbo Games Press Kit
Re-Spawn Press Kit
All in all it was a very productive weekend and now I can get back to preparing the next Alpha Release for Re-Spawn. 8-}
So armed with NetBeans (yes I use NetBeans for my PHP Development ... shush), GIMP, and an unending supply of Coffee and a whole lot of ideas ... I tackled the new Gobbo Games website. The result barring a few frustrating moments working with some media queries and fighting with the hosting company on how they allow mail to be sent from their servers ... the result was in my opinion quite nice.

There is still some functionality that needs to be added to the website, but overall I am very happy with the results and I am closely monitoring the Google Analytics in the back-end to see what-is-what on the visitors side of things.
So after that it was time to tackle the press kits and I decided to go with presskit() and was quite happy with the results. The press kits are to the point, provide all the information necessary, and hopefully they will be useful to any "pressy" type individuals looking for more information.
Gobbo Games Press Kit
Re-Spawn Press Kit
All in all it was a very productive weekend and now I can get back to preparing the next Alpha Release for Re-Spawn. 8-}