Fatty on a Bike - Lunchtime Launch

edited in General
Hi there, I thought it would be appropriate to launch Fatty on a Bike - An Epic Journey at lunchtime ;)

Built with Unity3d.

Check out the links and let me know what you think of the game/promo vid. My little bit for #candyjam

Promo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYK27nvesYE&list=UUmXzyW_4cdTr3ezOdHu5S-Q

Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mpdhillips.fob

iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/fatty-on-a-bike-an-epic-journey/id827048417?ls=1&mt=8




  • Congrats!... I hope you buckle that frame!
  • Uh. Okay...

    Maybe less strange voiceover blah and more gameplay? There was some gameplay there at the end, but it didn't really give me much of an idea of what the game was about - it seems like Tiny Bird kinda meets Icycle, but I couldn't really be sure.

    Also, the whole "women have been stolen from us" thing is a bit regressive, surely you didn't go for a damsel justification for a dude to ride a bike to pick up candy?
  • You make some interesting points, I was going for something different other than the std gameplay, gameplay, gameplay vid. The idea was to try and take a poke at how candy crush has impacted our society, and how a loan gravity challenged soul fights to regain his love from the evil blight that is cc.

  • Did you hire a voice actor?
  • yip, voice actor for the promo vid.
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