Selling adspace in our comic! Get your pimp awn
Hello, fine folk! If you don't know by now, I run a webcomic named Cottonstar with my partner Ben Geldenhuys. Every year at Free Comic Book Day, we sell some print editions of our comic.
Free Comic Book Day is an annual event which takes place each first Saturday in May. It's a day of geeky fun and festivities and of course lots and lots of comics. The name implies free comics - yes, there are free comics! Publishers roll out hordes of samples of various different comics for readers to take home. Our gracious hosts here in Cape Town are Readers Den. They offer booths to local comics creators each year, so we can showcase our work and get the ball rolling for the comics industry in South Africa. Apart from the free comics, there are usually also really good specials on existing merchandise. Readers Den also have loads of great events on the day, like raffles with great prizes, and rewards for being among the first customers of the day. There's cosplay and music and nerds everywhere. It's really great and we love it.
Our comics are usually well received critically and do quite well sales-wise. To help cover printing costs, we always sell some adspace in said comics. My query to you is, would you be interested in purchasing said adspace to advertise your company or services? Ideal candidates would be: freelance creatives of all sorts, printing companies, graphic designers, artist database/management services, comic shops, cosplay shops, people promoting projects or publications, and basically anyone who sells merchandise or offers services relevant to the art/gaming/comics/entertainment industry. That's a lot of forward slashes.
The demographic our printed comic caters to ranges from young adults to middle aged persons, and on occasion also enthusiatic teens and seniors. These people are usually very much interested in games, comics, animation, movies, etcetera, and are willing to spend money on their interests.
Your ad will be printed on the inside back cover in one of the two new print runs (the reprint of chapter 2, or the new chapter 3). All ads will be digitally printed in full colour.
The circulation for each ad will be 150 units, as we are printing 150 of each chapter for FCBD. All units not sold on the day will be placed in comic shops, or available to purchase directly from the authors.
Our adspace is priced at R1500 per portrait A5, R850 per landscape A6, and R650 per portrait A7. Availability of ads are determined on a first come, first served basis, as we adjust the adspace to what is purchased first. For example, if someone buys a portrait A5 slot, all the adspace for that print run is filled, whereas if someone buys a landscape A6 spot, there is still room for another landscape A6 or 2x portrait A7 spots.
If you plan on inserting a QR code, please consider purchasing a larger ad as the smaller QR codes tend to not scan so well.
Ads must adhere to a certain level of quality to be approved. If you feel you would be really terrible at designing an ad but still wish to place one, we can help you design a swanky ad for an added fee.
Free Comic Book Day 2014 falls on the 3rd of May, so ads will need to be submitted and paid for by the 24th of April.
Please send us a private message if you are interested.
Thank you!

Free Comic Book Day is an annual event which takes place each first Saturday in May. It's a day of geeky fun and festivities and of course lots and lots of comics. The name implies free comics - yes, there are free comics! Publishers roll out hordes of samples of various different comics for readers to take home. Our gracious hosts here in Cape Town are Readers Den. They offer booths to local comics creators each year, so we can showcase our work and get the ball rolling for the comics industry in South Africa. Apart from the free comics, there are usually also really good specials on existing merchandise. Readers Den also have loads of great events on the day, like raffles with great prizes, and rewards for being among the first customers of the day. There's cosplay and music and nerds everywhere. It's really great and we love it.
Our comics are usually well received critically and do quite well sales-wise. To help cover printing costs, we always sell some adspace in said comics. My query to you is, would you be interested in purchasing said adspace to advertise your company or services? Ideal candidates would be: freelance creatives of all sorts, printing companies, graphic designers, artist database/management services, comic shops, cosplay shops, people promoting projects or publications, and basically anyone who sells merchandise or offers services relevant to the art/gaming/comics/entertainment industry. That's a lot of forward slashes.
The demographic our printed comic caters to ranges from young adults to middle aged persons, and on occasion also enthusiatic teens and seniors. These people are usually very much interested in games, comics, animation, movies, etcetera, and are willing to spend money on their interests.
Your ad will be printed on the inside back cover in one of the two new print runs (the reprint of chapter 2, or the new chapter 3). All ads will be digitally printed in full colour.
The circulation for each ad will be 150 units, as we are printing 150 of each chapter for FCBD. All units not sold on the day will be placed in comic shops, or available to purchase directly from the authors.
Our adspace is priced at R1500 per portrait A5, R850 per landscape A6, and R650 per portrait A7. Availability of ads are determined on a first come, first served basis, as we adjust the adspace to what is purchased first. For example, if someone buys a portrait A5 slot, all the adspace for that print run is filled, whereas if someone buys a landscape A6 spot, there is still room for another landscape A6 or 2x portrait A7 spots.
If you plan on inserting a QR code, please consider purchasing a larger ad as the smaller QR codes tend to not scan so well.
Ads must adhere to a certain level of quality to be approved. If you feel you would be really terrible at designing an ad but still wish to place one, we can help you design a swanky ad for an added fee.
Free Comic Book Day 2014 falls on the 3rd of May, so ads will need to be submitted and paid for by the 24th of April.
Please send us a private message if you are interested.
Thank you!

800 x 591 - 373K

500 x 690 - 254K