Crawl Trailer: before and after

edited in General
Rocketcat tweeted these two videos, it was a really good exercise in how important a good trailer video is.

They both essentially told the same story, with the same script, but the WAY it was communicated, through cuts, edits, zoom-ins, and pacing, was so much better in the second one. A good insight into how to put a good trailer together.

(ignore the resolution difference, that's not really the point at all)


  • For a moment of devil's advocacy, I'm tempted to point out that the first trailer was far more concise and to-the-point. It conveyed the most important ideas in a much shorter space.

    I'd say that even with the general improvements of the second one there could've been an easy 30 seconds chopped offa it (yes, even with its angle as a Greenlight pitch video :P ).
    Thanked by 1Bensonance
  • Well, that, and also the second one had that delicious voice over. Dear god it was awesome. I think more than anything that made the difference.
    Thanked by 1Nandrew
  • I thought the first one was actually more impressive, the chip tune blew me away, and without any voice over my imagination kind of took over as to what the game was about. It was kind of chaotic, but still was impressive. The second one, while i agree the voice over was great, i felt it didn't fit with the rest of the style, pixel graphics, 8 bit SFX and music.
    However saying that if i had watched the 2nd video first, it might have been different?

    I think what i would have done is taken the best elements of both, had a much shorter voice over, and kept the chaotic style of the first one.
  • You know what, it was so strange cos I didn't watch the 2nd video with sound on (at work didn't put on my headphones), and my impression was completely different - and that's cos I didn't hear any of this voiceover stuff you guys were talking about :O

    How interesting :D
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