[Resource] OpenSource Gamepad/Keyboard button icons (PS4/PS3/Xbox360/Xbone/Wii etc.)
This open-source art pack for gamepad/keyboard button icons might be quite useful.

The download link: http://tiny.cc/promptspack

The download link: http://tiny.cc/promptspack
In this pack you will find over 300 buttons ranging from
Xbox 360 controller
Xbox One controller
Play Station 3 controller
Play Station 4 controller
Wii controller
Wii U controller
Steam controller (Both prototypes including touch pad and quad buttons)
Keyboard and mouse buttons (Both in black and white)
Directional arrows for thumb sticks and movement keys
link that should have been share is THIS one: http://tiny.cc/promptspack
Was posted here by the guy that made them: http://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/1z0zid/free_keyboard_and_controllers_prompts_pack/
I've updated download links at the top.