Adventure Games Studio Update 3.3.0

edited in General

I downloaded AGS over the weekend to prototype a bit a game idea and this morning I see there was an update on Sunday.



  • Here's a thoroughly stupid thing we made in AGS a while back :D Did manage to talk Laura Shigihara into donating music for it though.
  • The engine looks very cool! Makes me wanna dabble in it a bit :D
  • @rustybroomhandle, Have you played with Visionaire or Wintermute. I tried Visionaire but I wasn't as comfortable with it as I am with AGS and I'm disappointed I can't do a build for people to try. I haven't tried Wintermute at all.
  • I have played with Wintermute (albeit ages ago) . It has the added benefit of allowing "2.5D" games, using 3D characters on pre-rendered backdrops. Ultimately decided against using it since it outputs Windows only.

    I have also done a few projects using OpenSLUDGE. The editor/dev tools are not as full-featured as AGS, but it's fully open source and graphics are GPU-accellerated, so does scaled hi-res images well.
  • Yeah, the main issue with AGS (back when I played with it) was that it didn't handle high-res graphics very well at all. Otherwise it's pretty damned excellent for point 'n' clicks, and extremely flexible once you've got the scripting down. Pity I was never any good at adventure game plotting or puzzle design. :P
  • Just as a point of curiosity, is AGS equipped to make a game like FF7 style RPG? Yes I realise no 3D graphics, and that's fine, but can it handle stats and inventory and non-linear progression and stores and stuff like that?

    Or is it just traditional point-and-click?
  • @Tuism It has a built-in scripting language that you can do pretty much anything with. In fact, the GUI editor basically just plonks pieces of script down that you can edit further.
  • There are also quite a few plugins and I'm sure someone must have already thought of that. I did a very rudimentary combat system when I was making a Phoenix Wright clone prototype.
  • edited
    Well, it's primarily geared towards point and click adventures, but it's crazy flexible, and with some creative scripting folks have been known to do some interesting non-adventure stuff.
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