Double Fine X Humble Bundle

edited in General
The weekly bundle features Psychonauts, Stacking and Costume Quest... Then Brutal Quest at $6... And Spacebase DF-9 (in Early Access) for $16!
I'm interested in Spacebase DF-9, who has tried it?

But more importantly, they're giving "access" to Amnesia Fortnight, which is a verrrrry interesting look into their prototyping culture:

Gamifying and monetising the whole prototyping process - these guys have prototyping and pitching honed down to such an art that they can get people to pay for it :D So much to learn from there!

You can also vote on which of these prototypes Pendleton Ward (Adventure Time) will lead on:


  • @Tuism DF9 is interesting, but it's definitely early access! Really rough around the edges, and has somewhat limited playability after a certain point (though the upcoming update is set to give us a whole lot more stuff!)

    I'd recommended it because if nothing else it will be interesting to see how it grows. It's also a decent amount of fun.
  • I'm only interested because I want to see Pendleton Ward's game. Personally Dammit Jerry has the best gameplay that can be implemented, can I love his art
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