Publisher not paying Developers

edited in General
There's currently an article on RPS about a Publisher called 'Strategy First' not following their contracts.

I think it would be nice to have a list of companies with bad reputations(not just publishers) so that this kind of things doesn't happen as often.


  • The problem with these publishers is that they keep operating until they can't get any more business, then shut down and start up in new offices under a different name. And the small indie developers they target have just dumped all their money into developing game, and don't have the money to hire lawyers to get their money out of the publishers.
  • @AlphaSheep: Uh, Strategy First has been around for a long time.
  • We have had similar issues with international publishers the one outright stole and was liquidated latter we never saw a cent the other was bought out then bought out again. The legal departments made all sort of claims contract lost no longer considered part of there portfolio yet they continued to sell the game. In fact our original DOS game is still on amazon today and we have had no luck getting it off there. I don't suspect it hurts our current product its just an example.
  • Then maybe we need to do the opposite. A list of companies with good reputations and their work histories.
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