Hi All,
O-week starts on Monday and I would like to plaster the campus with posters and flyers. My skill set ends at pencil and charcoal and somehow I don't think it would be a good fit :P
Please could someone knock out a general poster/flyer design for MGSA?
Here are my thoughts:
Clean, simple, easy to read
Just red black and white?
Make Games South Africa is an association of professional, indie, hobbyist and student game developers, artists and designers. Join the community to learn, get feedback, and show your games! (suggestions needed for better text)
Monthly meetings:
*Jhb and Ct details* (do we want this here or does it clutter it?)
Find us at:
*twitter icon* @MakeGamesSA
*facebook icon* MakeGamesSouthAfrica
*youtube icon* MakeGamesSouthAfrica
I will print them out as I need them for here, and others could do the same? When we need big batches we can order in through MGSA.
O-week starts on Monday and I would like to plaster the campus with posters and flyers. My skill set ends at pencil and charcoal and somehow I don't think it would be a good fit :P
Please could someone knock out a general poster/flyer design for MGSA?
Here are my thoughts:
Clean, simple, easy to read
Just red black and white?
Make Games South Africa is an association of professional, indie, hobbyist and student game developers, artists and designers. Join the community to learn, get feedback, and show your games! (suggestions needed for better text)
Monthly meetings:
*Jhb and Ct details* (do we want this here or does it clutter it?)
Find us at:
*twitter icon* @MakeGamesSA
*facebook icon* MakeGamesSouthAfrica
*youtube icon* MakeGamesSouthAfrica
I will print them out as I need them for here, and others could do the same? When we need big batches we can order in through MGSA.
@dammit Perfect! thank you soo much!
I'd take out the last two paragraphs (sorry Megan) and replace it with the simple "Come show us your games, attend our community meetups, participate in competitions and join the forum!"
You could also add: "Join us for the next Community Evening on the 11th of February at 18:30 at Microsoft, Bryanston!"
Don't know if we need addresses either?
Not sure if the address is needed at the bottom since the logo has it?
In fact, all it needs to say is this: and then of course, because it's targeted at students, we should add
Cost: Free!
Speaking of which, I do want to still put our meetups on the front page of the site - like "Next jhb meetup - date" with a click through to the thread, that's all that's needed. Who do I speak to about that?
Working on the poster, this weekend I was gonna do it but the #warriorrace for a friend's bachelors happened, and that gave me Drogolitis (the thing that Karl Drogo got when he crossed the desert). Feeling absolutely terrible, slept sunday away. *groan*. MANFLU IS A REAL THING.
To add a cent or two to the design discussion from an advertiser's perspective, I would recommend cutting down a bit on the amount of red in the poster, as from a distance it combines with the heart shape in the logo to possibly look a bit like a blood drive rather than a game development community :)
so I did this between painkillers and fever, so... let me know if mistakes :P
Earlier notice next time plz :P
I was gonna stick with the black white and red thing but it seems like something more game-like would get the point across better and quicker. less like a blood drive :P
Perhaps some of the local teams would be willing to lend you a few sprites instead of just using random ones. We would be willing to. Also what is the little heart on the 9 squares top right? I can see it helps balance the poster but I have no idea what that is.
DD perhaps
Toxic yeah
Viscera not at all
Broforce... OH yeah, that'll fit
But I think these community made sprites have a nice feeling about them :) And there's a story to tell there, when people ask "what are those?" - we can tell them about our comps :)
Also I don't wanna create a situation where "where's my game? Is it not good enough??" thing and then we have to stick on a million things - I just wanted a few things :P
[edit - updated the previous post's files with the ms logo removed]
PS: Take a look at YouTube http://www.youtube.com/user/MakeGamesSouthAfrica <- Do you think you could get me a better fitting logo - possibly with some clouds/blue in it?
I've taken the FB icon out of the fb one :)
The youtube icon should be plain because it's used in other places too, not just here on the top of the bar, and clear white is more prominent. I wonder why it was cut off in the first place?
Uploads done on YouTube and I landed up updating our G+ page too, since it's connected and the YouTube cover fits nicely.
@Bensonance will upload the FB one a little later today - or when he gets a chance.
I think it looks a bit cluttered with text in the logo's space. That spot is really just for an image - It's got the words Make Games South Africa right underneath and a link to the website on the banner. Also, in search, it shows up next to the words "Make Games South Africa by Make Games South Africa "
I'm really not sure how many more times you want to say our name in such a small space? If anything, I'd rather have it repeated in the banner.
Take a look at apple's clean look: http://www.youtube.com/user/Apple
Do we want our logo to speak for itself? I'd really love to get to a point where people see the logo, and have the immediate association. If the wording is always there on the logo, I don't believe that will happen because your brain switches to understand language rather than interpreting images.