[Event] UCON at UCT 29-30 March

edited in Events
So this thing is happening again.

Would anyone be interested in attending again? Despite the kerfuffle of losing sponsored PC's last year, it seems like it was a valuable experience for the devs there? Can anyone who attended comment?

If there's any interested from people who want to attend with their games, it could be quite neat to be there on behalf of MGSA.

Not sure if anyone from UCON has contacted us yet, but maybe we should talk to them about organising a space for local games? Considering it happened last year, I'm sure they'd be happy to grant us one :).

Thanked by 1tbulford


  • Ben . . . you don't need to bit.ly links you put on the forums. Basic security logic tells me that an arbitrarily shortened link leads to a malicious site.
  • @Karuji That was the link I had already, so it was easiest to paste in.

    But thanks for keeping on topic so early on :/.
    Thanked by 1mattbenic
  • edited
    Ah yes.

    Um...I'm the one who came into contact with you guys last year (Dam that PC thing...sigh)
    I was delaying the announcement until I was sure that there would be no hiccups...but seeing that people are interested I'll drop some details here.

    HERE is a detailed proposition of what is happening and what UCON is.

    And HERE is the vendor form to apply.

    I convinced them to give a table per game, so that's 3m in length per game...+- 3 pc per game.
    I'm still working on the PC front (if you guys have any suggestions feel free to share your thoughts).

    Any questions and such, I'd be glad to try and answer them. But if you want to talk to the main vendor correspondent you can reach him by email at: 60sunshine09@gmail.com (Don't even ask about his email address =\ )
  • @Karuji - We are currently using bit.ly to track some interactions at the moment, so please bear with us :)
  • @dammit I am aware of the purpose and uses of bit.ly links: there is a point where our friendly marketing people start to feel like our friendly NSA friends ;)
  • I know this is off-topic but you can use friendly names on bit.ly so your link could be http://bit.ly/ucon2014 or similar. I use that for all our previous surveys and my varisty research projects
  • For most of the last one we were the only ones there, and @dislekcia joined us for a bit on day 2. This was us http://makerseden.screwylightbulb.com/?action=view&url=uct-anime-and-games-convention

    Mayhaps this time more people can come and we can combine efforts to make the booth a bit nicer and more representative of MGSA?
  • We've got almost 2 months this time if we can confirm a booth early, so that we can give more support. I seem to remember we got incredibly short notice for UCON last year.
  • We need a local multiplayer bomb that we can just pwn a stand-situation like that with.
  • @dislekcia Just as well I have a handy local multiplayer game from this weekend handy :P.
    Thanked by 2dislekcia tbulford
  • SIJO would be keen to setup two pc's and show off our game.
  • Simon and I when last year, but didnt have a stand. Would love to be able to go this year and maybe take a computer or two and have some people play Khumba if it's okay :)
  • lol, what rumor said :P
  • I would like to reserve some space (2 PC's) for Montez if that's possible. :)
  • Definitely interested in taking Screwy there again with @rustybroomhandle. We have two of our own PCs we can bring. :)
  • Hi don't know if you guys can help me out, would really like to attend the ucon as a vendor but not really sure were I need to send the filled in vendor submission form. Anybody know? :(
  • @RangerJo No need to go individually - I'll talk to the committee again to see whether we'll do a MGSA stand :).
  • @Bensonance Great! Thanks Ben :)
    Thanked by 1Bensonance
  • Ok guys

    So the organizers of UCON have ask me to ask you guys to please start submitting your forms. I know you guys are planning on going as one larger group, but the rather important bit is what do you have and what do you need (it's so that last years fiasco of pc sponsor dropping out doesn't happen again) so the sooner they have it the better.

    Vendor form: Link
    Contact email: 60sunshine09@gmail.com
  • @Bensonance GO! do your magic :)
  • Hey everyone! I haven't got an email back from @Lexaquillia yet (he's very busy working on amazing secret other things for MGSA). So for now, we'll have to assume that MGSA won't be having an official presence at UCON - so don't hold off on applying any longer :).

    If you have any questions, direct them to @SquigyXD who it seems is the MGSA liason :P.
  • Yes, yes it seems to be so ^^
  • We... uhm I decided that I will not be able to take Montez to UCON. So my reservation is cancelled.
  • Bummer
    Sad to hear man, we'll see you next year?
  • What's happening with this, by the way? What's the area arrangements, will there be posters/flyers, giant inflatable Pikachu in Zulu traditional wear?
  • Also looks like something has come up with SIJO at the last minute, and we have to cancel :( we had shirts getting printed and everything :'(
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