Humble Roguelike Bundle

edited in General
I bought an extra one to do a give-away. To enter just leave a comment here about your favourite roguelike, 1 entry / person.
I'll random a winner sometime during the weekend.

Bundle Contains:
Paranautical Activity
Dungeons of Dredmor Complete
Hack, Slash, Loot
The Binding of Isaac + Wrath of the Lamb DLC
Teleglitch: Die More Edition Guns and Tunes
Sword of the Stars: The Pit - Gold Edition lock icon Sword of the Stars: The Pit - Gold Edition


  • Thanks for the share, I bought it for Teleglitch, mostly, but Paranautical Activity looks awesome too :)
  • My favourite roguelike would probably be the first one I ever played - Angband.
    I modded all the sounds and installed a graphics set for it and everything (no comments from you text-only diehards!)

    I must say Teleglitch looks the business though!
  • @Nitrogen doubt you'll find many text old die hards ;)
  • I loooooved Angband, when I found the Phial of Galadriel I had a freaking hernia of happiness :) Then I died, and had an actual hernia :(

    Of all the "old games that were bloody legendary", Angband would probably be one of the games I'd still be able to stand if I go back to play it now cos the pacing was up to the player. (FF6 pacing killed my soul)

    Looking forward to playing Teleglitch finally :)
  • Roguelikes? Nah, fuck em.

    ... ;)
  • I'll leave a comment here. My main interest here is the soundtracks, that is the best part of all the humble bundles.
  • I bought it on principle (twice though).
  • JIIIIIZZZZZZ!!! I fucking love the shit out of Roguelikes! going to buy this and throw extra money at the Devs because I like roguelikes :P
  • I wonder if dark cloud count as roguelike?
    it has many of the features anyway.

    I also remember a blog post on the main page of dwarf fortress 2 where the dev went in a cave, got his finger cut off by a monster, then the finger get resurrected, kill the hero and leveled up, now guarding the cave as a mini boss.

    I laughed at that one.
  • List Randomizer

    There were 3 items in your list. Here they are in random order:


    Timestamp: 2014-01-30 10:35:22 UTC
  • List Randomizer

    There were 3 items in your list. Here they are in random order:


    Timestamp: 2014-01-30 10:35:22 UTC
    Um... I don't understand?
  • Nitrogen won the extra humble bundle I bought.
  • I'm a sad panda... I missed the weekly sale AND missed a chance to enter this give-away thingy... Oh well.

    Favourite roguelike: Risk of Rain. Seriously, do yourself a favor and get it (Humble store for only $10). An amazing example of just plain brilliant game design.
  • Favourite roguelike: Risk of Rain. Seriously, do yourself a favor and get it (Humble store for only $10). An amazing example of just plain brilliant game design.
    Interesting. Would you mind going into a little more detail about the design elements you see and why you like them? @Aequitas picked it up at launch and he hasn't been super impressed with a couple of the decisions behind the game, but we're always willing to learn to look at something from a different angle!

    (I kept trying that with Starseed Pilgrim, but couldn't get the game to do that thing where it magically turned into a sculpture of gradually expanding majesty that some people seem to play, compared to the confusingly frustrating platformer with no feedback that I seemed to have gotten instead)
  • So many people have recommended Risk Of Rain that I may actually pick it up. But I haven't actually heard anything about WHAT makes it great from anyone, so yeah, I'd be interested to hear about actual pointed and directed opinions :)
  • I got it, played for like 20min. Not my style I guess.
  • edited
    Well bear in mind it was made by students also...

    For me that's impressive enough (right now at least). Making something that polished, well known and acclaimed as a student is pretty damn impressive. Even if the game design isn't too stellar.
  • While I agree the "made by students" is impressive, I still want someone to tell me exactly why I have to play it. Most people just go "it is really awesome, you should buy and play it" and have no further explanation. Sure, I could go look it up myself, but I decided late last year I would wait for people to convince me what is a must-have game and why and then only buy things (which I am doing to lower my budget for spending on games that I probably wont play after 2 or 3 weeks of having it).

    So yeah, it would be cool to know what the game's hook is.
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