He-Man Game

edited in General

"As a kid of the 80s, I always wanted to see a kick-ass He-Man and She-Ra videogame in the vein of the TMNT Arcade games.

The Filmation cartoons, because of their constant use of stock animation, kind of looked like a videogame in many ocassions. So I was thinking of how cool it would be to see an Openbor game with graphics ripped directly from the He-Man and She-Ra DVDs. The resolution of the module would be 720x480, the closest to the resolution of the DVDs.

If I try to do it all by myself the game would not be ready by this lifetime. It would be cool if we could assemble a group and distribute tasks so the whole thing would not feel like a chore. We would have to take screenshots of the episodes, create the sprites and backgrounds, program the whole thing, get the music, etc.

Out of curiosity I started making a She-Ra sprite sheet to see if this idea is feasible. I think is perfectly doable.

So what do you say? Is anyone else here a fan of the Masters of the Universe... er, universe? LET'S DO THIS!"

What's been done so far...



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