Plantform specific discussions?
Hi, hope this is correct place to post.
I'd like to suggest a few more categories for this forum since it is growing so platform specific and art specific.
Will help like minded (local) individuals to network...
Category suggestions:
"Game Maker"
"UDK", etc
"2D art"
"3d art"
I'd like to suggest a few more categories for this forum since it is growing so platform specific and art specific.
Will help like minded (local) individuals to network...
Category suggestions:
"Game Maker"
"UDK", etc
"2D art"
"3d art"
Creating categories that then sit almost empty is designing a system that makes a place feel useless. We had that problem showcased all too well with the old SAGD forum.
So if you'd like those categories, start threads that would eventually need to be in them, then make those threads totally badass so everyone posts there :)
I like your idea @edg3 and even think a insit chat system can work, but maybe it should be limited to word count and not time?
how fast can you type...or is that part of the meta game - the higher level you are the faster you can type..
I see GMS plans to completely revamp their surface drawing and GUI screen drawing now to make it cross platform generically in the engine. I like the tech blogs of mike daily, so that is a good place to start
I know there was a past thread, but it is a mess trying to find info in it and reply to it in a contextual way...since it becomes a thread covering many topics in GMS and GML...maybe that is just how my mind works.
I mostly work with GMS, and have written a couple of my own 'tools' to solve some problems I found the editor particularly obtuse in dealing with.
I'll go rez on of the GM threads later, and post what/why I did in it.
Just post a new thread every time you have a GM:S oriented thought :). As a GM fanboy myself, I'll be guaranteed to comment : P.
I'd like to friend you and support your forum topics there as well.
@tbulford - good point, kept the title for authenticity of topic content replies...always wanted to see a bonzai desktop pet game, that takes lots of years weeks to grow
[Edit] at this rate all I will achieve is a "Plantform Specific" category unlock