Forced Perspective Demo

edited in General
Anyone seen this? Really interesting... Thoughts?


  • I have no thoughts on this as my brain just exploded
  • I agree with various twitter comments that this doesn't become Portal 3. I want something new and exciting to experience
  • They can just call it something like Shift, or Percept, or whatever and give it it's own simple story with it's own flavor and brand, no need to force it into a well established franchise. This game mechanic can stand prefectly on it's own, especially when the demo introduced it's own interpretation of portals as a game mechanic, with the player changing size, that was awesome!
  • It's worth noting that the exact same game mechanic was used by someone in a Ludum Dare in 2012.

  • edited
    Yeah I saw it as a rehash of the 2012 LD mechanic, but I went from jaded to really impressed with the last demonstration in his video. I really enjoyed that setup and reward :)
  • The LD one is a different person though. I think he should have carried on with it and made a complete game of it. Of course good puzzle making is not easy! Enigmatology is brain strain I tells ya.
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