Online Series: Unity3D – Concept to Completion [Free training series]

edited in Tutorials
(Insert shameless self-plug)

Hey guys, I will from next week be giving a tutorial series on Unity 3D where the aim is to build a game from scratch and thought that there might be people here that are interested, here is the proposed schedule:
15 Jan 2014
Introduction to Unity and Where to Start With Game Development. We will not get too deep into actual development and programming, we will rather take the time to familiarize ourselves with the processes involved in game development. We will consider things such as having projects with the correct scope, consider what our ability will allow us to complete, and how we can focus on building simple buy fun games. We will then look at the Unity3D development environment, cover what each different piece does and some basic workflows for building games in Unity (like making builds).

22 Jan 2014
We will take a look at building 2D games in Unity, we will focus on how to use the 2D Sprite system that Unity offers us, learn how to add scripts and how to use them to control our GameObjects, and also how to add 2D physics and animations into our game.

29 Jan 2014
This will not be a lesson, but rather will be a community call where you can share ideas, get feedback on concepts and we can work together to focus on finding the “minimum viable product” for your game, essentially we want to help find a simple and easy to build game idea that is still fun that you can finish by the end of the course.

5 Feb 2014
We will have another lesson, this time focusing on 3D in Unity, we will briefly touch on how a lot of concepts from 2D carry over, and then focus on 3D physics, 3D animation and using built-in Unity features for building a 3D world (such as terrains from heightmaps).

12 Feb 2014
This will be another community call where we take the concepts we have been working on and find where we have issues. We will work as a group to think of ways to implement certain features, and discuss how we can solve and/or simplify problems we have with our game ideas.

19 Feb 2014
We will now take time to learn about adding “juice” to our games and polishing them. We will take a look at particles, shaders, visually pleasing effects (like screen shake) and more. We will also add in sound and music to our projects.

26 Feb 2014
This will be a community call where we focus on finishing the features of games. We will help one another fixing bugs, implementing those last few features, and generally rounding off our game projects.

5 Mar 2014
This lesson we will focus on how to make our games work seamlessly no matter what the screen orientation or resolution is, we will discuss the needs for taking different form factors into account, and we will look at adding in elements that will make our games suit the Windows markets better.

12 Mar 2014
This will be a community call where we show off our game projects from these sessions, get final feedback from the community and get a general feel for what people think of our FINISHED game products.

19 Mar 2014
This lesson will briefly cover the Store submission process, things that we need to do to make sure we pass the certification process, and we will then take the time to submit to Store together.

26 Mar 2014
This will be a more casual call where we summarize what was achieved, I will give my final thanks, and we will recognize the top participants!
I am keen for your input and thoughts about this, and you are more than welcome to join.

Full information, calendar invite files, etc are available here.
Thanked by 1RuanSmit


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