Looking more for a resource that will enable me to write a bipedal / multipedal animation that is adaptive to the terrain. I have written a CCD solver before and know enough about physics to implement a dynamic model. Looking for some guidance through the process.
I am thinking of going for a combination of a physics system with IK approach to limb placement. So certain joints in the body respond to physics, whilst others are placed by the IK system.
I am also wondering if it would not be easier to take a ragdol system and add some constraints to the rigging, so that it does not fall around like we are so accustomed to seeing with ragdol physics.
Incredipede is great fun, a seriously spontaneously-laugh-with-sheer-glee-style game :)
Colin Northway (the main dev) is actually a playable character in Spelunky. He's the blue dude. Yes, those are actually his real mutton chops... Also, he's the first person in the world to finish hell in the game. How intertwined is the indie world? ;)
-edit- Sarah Northway (they're married) is also an indie dev and a Spelunky character too. She's the green lady :)
@Karuji: The only person to 100% Spacechem apart from Zach himself. At least, so far - I'm looking forward to the day I can tell Colin that he's slightly less special ;)
Should we tell the rest what makes the Northways super-fucking-awesome?
@dislekcia I also want to tell Colin he is slightly less special, but that's just because I adore Spacechem.
And in order to not derail the thread into the area of Northway appreciation I think it is best to just say everything! And I am serious when I say that.
But to be on topic here is some Chris Hecker sporenessness
There's this "Spriter" - http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/539087245/spriter <-- it's been kickstarted, not final release yet, and you can find a functional beta at this link.
If there are any actual tweening resources I'd be over the moon!
I have found this and am reading it currently, http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/cav.1467/full
Also, here is a video of what I am talking about
Anyone have any experience with this?
This looks kinda awesome!
Colin Northway (the main dev) is actually a playable character in Spelunky. He's the blue dude. Yes, those are actually his real mutton chops... Also, he's the first person in the world to finish hell in the game. How intertwined is the indie world? ;)
-edit- Sarah Northway (they're married) is also an indie dev and a Spelunky character too. She's the green lady :)
Should we tell the rest what makes the Northways super-fucking-awesome?
And in order to not derail the thread into the area of Northway appreciation I think it is best to just say everything! And I am serious when I say that.
But to be on topic here is some Chris Hecker sporenessness