And I just gone and built a 2D sprite game on the weekend with my own gravity-by-raycast, lol :)

And I just gone and built a 2D sprite game on the weekend with my own gravity-by-raycast, lol :)

Also 1GB download -_- err. . .
Also, UNITY 2D, BITCHES!!! I'm super excited! :)
Right now I would not be recommending 4.3 if you have a super critical deadline like ours. Hopefully there will be a patch released soon.
Been 1080p on a small android core does have some serious performance limitations. Avoid creating new geometry and we have had to ditch the Unity particle system for our own home made version.
I will be blogging next week with permission from GAMESTICK. I keep telling people I have had to get the services of 19yo me to come assist with all this.
Oh and get nGUI if you using normal Unity OnGUI you loose about 10ms a frame just for an empty OnGUI method. I was thinking of bringing the GAMESTICK to the December MGSA meeting but the topic might be too technical for that platform.