Robolegs - Mech FPS
Storyline: The year is 2180. Planet Earth has recently been involved with a World War. This was World War 5. There was a fight to stop our planet from becoming a One World Government, known as OWE. It was a war between government and a world counter terrorist movement. Through the availability of funding for technology, OWE won the war after nearly destroying planet earth.
In the great depths of space an enormous black hole opens and an entire solar system of unknown origin appears within a near distance of planet earth's a solar system. Another 6 planets appear within half a light year from earth's solar system.
According to the latest scout satellite photos, A planet known as "Planet Zephyr" has what appears to be large city structures around the entire planet. An intelligent race of aliens has been discovered and they are gathering armored forces to attack planet earth.
The aliens known as "Scalion" have heavily armored battleships surrounding earth. Earth's greatest Scientists have come to the theory that the "Scalion" came from a parallel dimension through the black hole. Earth's atmospheric defenses have not been able to take out the enemy.
You play the role as sergeant "Jason Rosemayer" an armored forces pilot for the One World Union Defense Army, known as the OWUDA. All forces on Earth join forces. It's your turn to take part in defending planet earth!
Description: A medium to fast pace FPS. Find yourself emerced in an environment which allows you to interact with and use to your advantage. Use technology and straight line of vision to fight your away across beautiful terrain and city landscapes.
Weapons Available
- Laser, standard range light ray emitting weapon
- Long Range Laser, long range light ray emitting weapon
- Blast Cannon, a cannon which projects multiple projectiles per shot. Used in close combat situations.
- Pulse Laser, a rapid firing laser cannon.
- Gause Cannon, a rail gun
- Short Range Missile Launcher
- Long Range Missile Launcher
- Mini Cannon, rapid firing projectile cannon.
- EMP Cannon, a cannon which fires a charge of high powered electrical particles.
- More weapons will be added to this list soon...
[center]Gameplay Video[/center]
[center]In Game Footage on Youtube here[/center]
[center]In Game Screenshots[/center]
[center]Orion City[/center]
Release date is set for 13-01-13.
More updates coming soon! All comments and feedback are welcome. :)
Please let me know if there are any features that I can add to Robolegs
[center]Quick Concept Paintings[/center]
I'm desperately looking for someone to help with development and artwork on this in order to complete this on time. I am the only one working on Robolegs at the moment.
If you have knowledge of C# or keen to help out on Robolegs, please email me at chris (at) I live in Cape Town.
This game will be a commercial release and I have had a publisher show interest in this. Please guys and gals, lets make get SA on the map for Game Dev!


Storyline: The year is 2180. Planet Earth has recently been involved with a World War. This was World War 5. There was a fight to stop our planet from becoming a One World Government, known as OWE. It was a war between government and a world counter terrorist movement. Through the availability of funding for technology, OWE won the war after nearly destroying planet earth.
In the great depths of space an enormous black hole opens and an entire solar system of unknown origin appears within a near distance of planet earth's a solar system. Another 6 planets appear within half a light year from earth's solar system.
According to the latest scout satellite photos, A planet known as "Planet Zephyr" has what appears to be large city structures around the entire planet. An intelligent race of aliens has been discovered and they are gathering armored forces to attack planet earth.
The aliens known as "Scalion" have heavily armored battleships surrounding earth. Earth's greatest Scientists have come to the theory that the "Scalion" came from a parallel dimension through the black hole. Earth's atmospheric defenses have not been able to take out the enemy.
You play the role as sergeant "Jason Rosemayer" an armored forces pilot for the One World Union Defense Army, known as the OWUDA. All forces on Earth join forces. It's your turn to take part in defending planet earth!
Description: A medium to fast pace FPS. Find yourself emerced in an environment which allows you to interact with and use to your advantage. Use technology and straight line of vision to fight your away across beautiful terrain and city landscapes.
Weapons Available
- Laser, standard range light ray emitting weapon
- Long Range Laser, long range light ray emitting weapon
- Blast Cannon, a cannon which projects multiple projectiles per shot. Used in close combat situations.
- Pulse Laser, a rapid firing laser cannon.
- Gause Cannon, a rail gun
- Short Range Missile Launcher
- Long Range Missile Launcher
- Mini Cannon, rapid firing projectile cannon.
- EMP Cannon, a cannon which fires a charge of high powered electrical particles.
- More weapons will be added to this list soon...
[center]Gameplay Video[/center]
[center]In Game Footage on Youtube here[/center]
[center]In Game Screenshots[/center]
[center]Orion City[/center]














Release date is set for 13-01-13.
More updates coming soon! All comments and feedback are welcome. :)
Please let me know if there are any features that I can add to Robolegs
[center]Quick Concept Paintings[/center]

I'm desperately looking for someone to help with development and artwork on this in order to complete this on time. I am the only one working on Robolegs at the moment.
If you have knowledge of C# or keen to help out on Robolegs, please email me at chris (at) I live in Cape Town.
This game will be a commercial release and I have had a publisher show interest in this. Please guys and gals, lets make get SA on the map for Game Dev!
2) I LOVE MECHS. Grew up on Gundams and Mechwarrior. And Armored Core.
3) Where ARE the mechs??! It's a mech game, I would really want to SEE mechs. You have no idea how much I'm looking forward to Hawken. OMG.
4) Isn't "One World Government" - OWG? Not OWE?
5) No offense intended, but "Robo Legs" doesn't really inspire mecha awe. Or maybe it's just me. See what other people thinks.
6) What artwork are you looking for? I'm keen on doing some robot work, if you're interested, please PM me with requirements, what you're looking for, conditions, arrangement, etc and we can chat further.
7) Just saw the footage, feels like Slave Zero, which is a good thing :) Think it has tons of potential - needs perhaps more shake and cockpit effects, more general "weight" to convey weight of the mech you're piloting.
Looks good! :D
The pictures don't convey your game nearly as well as your video does.
Going from the video it feels more like a standard FPS as opposed to a mech FPS.
I know that you are working on art but given that you are in a cockpit there is no reason for your HUD to not be part of the mech itself.
And as Tuism said there needs to be more mech shooting mech, and Robolegs isn't a strong name for a mech game. Personally it makes me think of a bunch of chickens running around >.>
Looking forward to seeing more stuff.
The previous name of the game was Metal Jacket. But I unfortunately I came across a game released by a Japanese company called Metal Jacket. Which was released in 1996.
I totally agree that it just feels like a standard FPS in the video. I have improved things: Like when you run/walk the camera actually bobs according to which leg is stepping. The mech is now lightly slower too and feels a lot heavier. I've added a recoil for when the Mech fires.
The HUD is damn ugly. Haha! That's just a place holder. That's the next thing I am working on. The will include an energy bar, regional damage indicator and a retinal distance meter on the cross hair.
I think the name Robolegs suites the game as it is not so much a Mech simulator but an arcade game. If you've played Krazy Ivan on PS 1, that's where I drew quite a bit of inspiration. Hahaha! "makes me thing of a bunch of chickens running around." I would agree. You'll notice when I finish the official trailer that there is an aspect of humor in the game and I'm bringing a minor steam punk feel into the artwork and gameplay.
*reduced the amount of pics because I see other threads popping up about people having issues with too many screenshots in a thread*
The environment reminds me of Project Entropia before it became Entropia Universe.
Cool stuff, seems like it could be fun to play multiplayer.
How about adding some Melee combat robots? Maybe have a mech that has a grapple that pulls you towards your target, or the vice verca, and melee him with a Mother of a Cyber Axe or something to that effect.
Which was inspired by the PS1 Ghost In the Shell game I presume.
The video you've got up definitely has a more Japanese mech feel than a Western mech feel, with all the strafing and running and rocket jumping. I'm not saying that's a bad thing either. There is certainly a primal joy in rocket jumping from skyscraper to skyscraper or jumping across vast swaths of terrain (while air dodging bullets).
Have you thought about adding skiiing?
Also, I know your video is of just a prototype atm. In a more final version I'd like to see a lot more enemy fire coming from all directions (making deciding where to strike first a tactical decision). Krazy Ivan and Ghost in the Shell were limited by the hardware of their time, so they couldn't simulate lots of enemies scattered over the map with various critical sites, blind spots and emergent objectives, but on PC you can do this.
I'm all for lots of pictures and other media btw.
That Waiting for Horus game looks like so much fun to play, the effects and explosions are fantastic despite being lo-fi. Robolegs needs bigger effects :)
Metal Jacket's been used a few time yeah. Full Matel too. Naming can be difficult, but I think it's important to be...
Style wise, are you aiming for more Mechwarrior or more Full Metal Panic, or more Scope Dogs? Or Armored Core? (omg that stuff is like so much eye candy, I love making AC mechs)
Again, are you looking for art in terms of interface design, mecha design, box art, 3D, texturing, everything, or something more particular? Let us know and we can see if we can be part of it :) I know I would love to be :)
And when's your "in-time" deadline?
I like the idea of Melee mechs and the grappling system!!!! Thanks! :)
@BlackShipsFilltheSky, That Waiting for Horus seems super original and super fun! :) I like the simplicity. I've signed up for the next test session so that'll be super fun.
The skiing concept seems quite fun. Would be an awesome addition to the pace of gameplay that Robolegs has. Thanks.
@Tuism, lol. Sorry mate, but the rocket jumping is totally part of the package. I like to utilise physics in an engine. So there will be strafe jumping, rocket jumping, wall climbing and a whole lot more.
Style wise, I'd say Full Metal Panic with a cross of western style mech games. Customizing of the mech will be farely limited but there will be literally dozens and dozens of weapons to choose from. Well I'd say about 50 or 60 weapons.
Wrt Art required. I'll take a look through the rest of the project and put together what's needed.
I've set the release date for the 13-01-13. But plan to have a multiplayer beta available at the end of October.
Made some nice progress over the past week on the game. Added third person view which has changed a lot of the dynamics of how I originally wanted Robolegs. But I think it's going to be super awesome.
Will show actual gun fights between myself and another mate playing Multiplayer! :)
It fits the less serious world you were talking about I guess :)
3rd person mecha action - to me - is the coolest view if handled right :) Looking forward to it :)
I think if you could work it that you can fire arm rockets independently, and allow the player to use it as a form of strafe mechanism it would be fucking amazing.
So if I fire a left rocket to the ground I will go right, a right rocket on the ground I will go left. Two rockets, with a well timed jump, and you can fly.
So the user would be propelled in a certain direction for about a second.
Just a little update here:
I revamped the UI and added third person view. The third person view has added a whole lot of goodness to the game.
This means that the first person view will be a lot less chunkier and the user will have the ability to choose which ever view they prefer. I think the 3rd person view is damn cool!
video coming soon! We've been testing multiplayer and I'll admit this is super fun! :)
@Karuji, thanks so much! Positive feedback helps so much with motivation!!
This is the kind of help I'm looking for to work on Robolegs:
* C# Developer
* 3d Modeler
* Animator
* Concept Artist
* Texture Artist
So at the moment I'm doing most of the above but the more hands on deck, the better.
This game will be a commercial release so remuneration will be a percentage of profits.
The world needs more rocket jumping!! Not less!
Of course rocket jumping has to be tied to the ability to propel enemies into the air with your explosions as well (which doesn't really have a downside).
If you're really trying for realism why not reimagine as a tank? (sarcasm, sorry :P ) But I do think that realism is a slippery slope. Amour Core is from what I gather the largest mech franchise right now and it isn't particularly precious with realism (and Mech Warrior which is precious about realism has basically failed). Hawken is much closer to Armour Core than Mech Warior. The kind of user that complains about realism is also the kind of user that will complain about lack of AAA budget in the graphics... honestly I don't think you can please that audience, that's a losing game (in my opinion).
We used to play Quake 1 with self-hurt off, with the rocket launcher firing 10 times a second, with infinite ammo and everything in slow motion. It was the best ever.
Though seriously, have you thought of propelling yourself backwards through the recoil of massive missile volleys?
The third person view does look great!
It would be an awesome mechanic to blow enemies sky high and do a Dante air-combo :) All for that :)
I agree that the game could do with MORE mechanics that aren't seen elsewhere and LESS of the same as everyone else!
Great idea BSFS :)
Really shaping up nicely.
We have another developer working on Robolegs. So things are really going to take off. And there's a certain person on this forum that has proven to be an awesome resource with an extensive knowledge on Mecha and REALLY cool artwork *cough @Tuism *
@BlackShipsFilltheSky Hahaha! That's why I wanted to include rocket jumping because it's damn awesome! Realistic or not. So therefore, ROCKET JUMPING IS STAYING! DON'T CARE WHAT ANYONE SAYS!
Oh yeah, I used to love playing quake, I really liked the mechanics of it. Being able to strafe jump and wall climb using various guns. That's something I've included in the physics of Robolegs.
@Tuism, I've still got lots to digest dude. ;)
You are spot on with how it works. At the moment when you jump and fire into the ground to rocket jump it will actually do less damage to you than actually firing a rocket at someone else. So basically firing a rocket at an enemy does more damage than doing a rocket jump. That's how I've set it up at the moment.
I've also started developing things called "Influencers" or "Power Ups" so when you running around on a map you will be able to pickup power ups that will give you additional speed, fire power or health.
@Legion, thanks. Really appreciate the compliment!
We'll be looking at a very jump heavy combat with lots of big air :) Still have lots of stuff to wander and work through so we'll show stuff as soon as there's stuff to show! :D Really really happy to be part of a cool MECH PROJECT (you guys have no idea how much I love mechs)
Craig Newton
Just letting everyone know. Robolegs is back on. The game will be released in 2 phases, Robolegs 1 (Single Player) and Robolegs 2 (Multiplayer).
To be honest guys and gals. My personal life taken a bit of a beating so that took preference over any other aspects/hobbies. But now things are back on track.
So far, There are 12 single player maps designed for Robolegs 1 so far. The single player version will be free to download and play while Robolegs 2 will be free to download and play but you can pay for upgrades or play more for upgrades.
So I'm just saying... um... Hawken better watch out for Robolegs 2. lol.
For the Single Player game we won't be looking at creating a game with current gen graphics, it will be more about the story line and fun gameplay.
Here are some screenshots of maps that will be included in the single player demo:
[center]Orion City[/center]
[center]Faction Base[/center]
[center]Forest Level[/center]
Keep in mind that Robolegs 1 and Robolegs 2 will be powered by different engines.
@Aodendaal, what you see in the screenshots is what I've produced up until now. Dev, 3d assets, UI etc. I sometimes pay a 3d artist to produce animations for characters and a few static 3d entities. I have a friend doing the majority of the audio effects and ingame music. Recently Tuism came on board too. If he is willing, he'll be taking care of art direction, storyline, 3d models and just contributing to most of the game in general. I must say Tuism is damn smart with game mechanics, so if he decides to be on board. The game will most likely have better game play.
@Everyone, I've just finished compiling the latest version and through some optimization and culling the FPS has increased by 10-20 fps. Which means I can squeeze even more out of it. I've been working on a Squad control system, so on certain missions you will control 5 to 10 marines/soldiers that will fight alongside you. This has been a major breakthrough because the AI was CHOWING the memory. But it's awesome now!!!! The single player has just stepped up another level. :)
- Graphics from 1999
- 4 Weapons: Blast Cannon, Pulse Laser, Rocket Launcher, Minigun
- 7 levels
- Only 1 life
Please let me know your thoughts