Photon Special for Unite 2012
Hey there folks my name is Alan and I'm a Visual Effects Specialist , I'm from SA and living in Abu Dhabi at the moment. With only a couple months of C# experience I am learning as I go with my own unity based game project among other things.
I'm fleshing the game out with features , its all been run of the mill stuff thus far but one of the things that I wanted to have was multiplayer functionality of the MMO , its kind of RPG at the moment but that's not what I'd like the final game to be.Now Unity has some multiplayer functionality but nothing near what you would need for MMO. So I did some searching around and found a few options compatible with Unity , the one that I liked the most was a product from called photon.
Exit Games Blog post
You can find my most recent video update here :

The price put me off a bit, until the other day when I came across a limited time offer that they're doing , a single Photon Indie server license with unlimited connections permitted for a once off $99 fee , I grabbed a license and have been hard at work coding a custom server in VC# Express. I wanted to give you guys a heads up in case some of you find it useful.
What experiences have you folks had with networking and Unity ?
I'm fleshing the game out with features , its all been run of the mill stuff thus far but one of the things that I wanted to have was multiplayer functionality of the MMO , its kind of RPG at the moment but that's not what I'd like the final game to be.Now Unity has some multiplayer functionality but nothing near what you would need for MMO. So I did some searching around and found a few options compatible with Unity , the one that I liked the most was a product from called photon.
Exit Games Blog post
You can find my most recent video update here :

The price put me off a bit, until the other day when I came across a limited time offer that they're doing , a single Photon Indie server license with unlimited connections permitted for a once off $99 fee , I grabbed a license and have been hard at work coding a custom server in VC# Express. I wanted to give you guys a heads up in case some of you find it useful.
What experiences have you folks had with networking and Unity ?
Photon has a pretty great API, though we had really high latency communicating with the server, up to 1 second. This might have just been the line we were working on.
I remember being concerned at the time about the licence cost of Photon but $100 is definitely worth it.
Other options that I have come across are and
I would like to take another bash at networking sometime soon, its really interesting, albeit challenging. An MMO is a pretty epic undertaking, have made any networked games before?
The NAT punchthrough is awesome though.
I, for one, would be very interested in hearing more from people about the networking alternatives (other than rolling your own :P)? Pros and cons, real world difficulties, implementation side effects specifically around design decisions etc..
It would be awesome if anyone was willing to share that kind of experience?
The same thing is now $99. Which seems cheaper than renting an Amazon server and installing Unity's server on it.
Proton works, and it allows for native drop in and play, which is a big feature for me personally, however their severs are in America I think, so the latency here was quite nasty. They were quite a new service at the time, my hope is that they've been setting up servers elsewhere.
But to be clear, our internet was getting 1 second latency for Diablo3 as well, so I'm not worried about Photon's latency for international customers.
I'm trying to work out what the advantage of getting the 3 server deal is... Would that be if you want to host 3 games? (I'm going to be getting at least one, considering the price)
I'm not an expert in networking by any measure. My opinions are based off of the research done by Merrik and Creative360.
The $99 indie license gives you the server to run from your own hardware , so your latency would depend on your connection. I have got a 30 MB Fiber Optic line installed , though I have been testing using my LAN , I will be testing the connection over the net soon.
In terms of networking experience , the only server experience I had was a few years back when I compiled a Mangos server for WoW , maintaining the database and using no-ip for dns.It certainly has been a very interesting experience getting my head wrapped around the whole networking experience , I did dabble with the Unity multiplayer side of things but just couldn't get anything working.
I was looking for decent video tutorials for it and luckily I came across this gent's intro series to Photon 3.0.
It takes you all the way through the process from beginning to end , which is key for a first time networker like myself.
If you want to use their cloud based solution , they've made it free with a 100 connection limit , though the latency on that may be higher depending on your connection.
My first milestone before I think about database manipulation , is to get two controllable player characters into the world ,using Photon as the vehicle of course.
That's a bit disappoint.
Thanks for the vids!
If the game takes off, you can always scale out. And if the economies of scale (in concurrent CCUs) start messing with you, then you can look at hosting your own servers?
Before I dive head long into getting things setup to run over the network , I first have to restructure the game by sorting out Game States and cleaning up code , as well as get a few more things fleshed out(Stuff like day/night cycles and spawn timers).
Thanks for such a warm welcome good convo folks !